Half of God's creation survives only because of the deaths of the other half?

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Life moulds matter into greater complexities, forming new organic creations, existing in themselves as themselves, and sacrificing all that they are that other creatures may live. It is a reflection of our taking our specialness above all else that we shudder at life feeding on life. What we lose in death is that which is most precious, ourselves in this world. Death reveals the paradox of our human nature, rooted in God’s love, without which we are nothing.
Ah, so deep. I feel myself floating in the clouds trying to wrap my mind around the words-sssssssss.
Far from the oceans being a bad design they are the largest ecosystem on our planet and have many benefits from enabling us to breathe to a source of food, work, and recreation. When you think about it we are using oxygen all the time. If we didn’t have something putting oxygen back into the atmosphere we would run out. By diversifying our oxygen sources we are more likely to survive any changes to the environment.
And just how does all that useless salt in the oceans contribute to anything. Great bodies of fresh water would have plant life in them to create oxygen. And with fresh water everywhere, deserts like the Sahara would become breadbaskets. Lots of food, lots of good things to eat, no starvation and the wars it has developed over the centuries. Maybe a peaceful planet.

I’m certain given enough time and money we humans will develop methods for terraforming a place like Mars to be a much more human friendly place than the present Earth.
I’ll try this again … my computer is messing up, or maybe it’s just Firefox.
I’ve copied my post from last night - I hope this works:

Well that was an interesting read.
The thread title drew me right is as it seemed odd for a Catholic discussion forum. I read the whole six (so far) pages.
Here’s an important aspect that applies to all this:
Nothing happens in the the universe without God willing and allowing  it.  This statement must he taken absolutely of everything with the  exception of sin.  'Nothing occurs by chance in the whole course of our  lives' is the unanimous teaching of the Fathers and Doctors of the  Church, 'and God intervenes everywhere.'
That’s from a marvelous little book by Father Jean Baptiste Saint-Jur and St. Claude de la Columbiere:
Trustful Surrender to
Divine Providence
I have never thought of God as a soft warm fuzzy. We can not know the mind of God. Life does feed from life. Black holes do exist. Hurricanes bring fresh new air. The beauty of life - the beauty of the universe can not fit into a neat tight little box our limited little minds can conceive.

I know that this is a serious problem for many people. But somewhere along the line I have come to accept that “It is what it is” sounds very much like “I AM that I AM”

I worship “I AM that I AM” I don’t try to pretend that I understand. I don’t try to second guess. I only know that looking out into the vast dark starry skies, I long to love and worship its Creator.
Very beautifully said, IMHO!
And just how does all that useless salt in the oceans contribute to anything. Great bodies of fresh water would have plant life in them to create oxygen. And with fresh water everywhere, deserts like the Sahara would become breadbaskets. Lots of food, lots of good things to eat, no starvation and the wars it has developed over the centuries. Maybe a peaceful planet.

I’m certain given enough time and money we humans will develop methods for terraforming a place like Mars to be a much more human friendly place than the present Earth.
The ocean’s do have plant life that creates oxygen. In fact 50-80% of the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from plankton in the ocean. The salt in the ocean comes from rain water washing off the rocks. Salt is a mineral and it is necessary for life. Fish can adapt to either salt water or not. Also, we now have the technology to get drinking water from the ocean. I would say that the salt was probably introduced over time into the ocean from erosion of rock minerals. If this is the case any large body of water would eventually become salty, even if you started from fresh water.
I have never thought of God as a soft warm fuzzy. We can not know the mind of God. Life does feed from life. Black holes do exist. Hurricanes bring fresh new air. The beauty of life - the beauty of the universe can not fit into a neat tight little box our limited little minds can conceive.

I know that this is a serious problem for many people. But somewhere along the line I have come to accept that “It is what it is” sounds very much like “I AM that I AM”

I worship “I AM that I AM” I don’t try to pretend that I understand. I don’t try to second guess. I only know that looking out into the vast dark starry skies, I long to love and worship its Creator.
What is amazing also is that God man Jesus Christ gave to Peter the keys and said whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven.
Saw this thread the other day and saved it; I know I’m a bit late to the party. 😊 But I’ll offer what I can.

I’m intending soon to start a blog encompassing Catholicism, science, and science fiction and though I’ll be the first to admit I’ll be learning on the fly, I’ve serendipitously (or miraculously, perhaps? 😉 ) stumbled upon various resources dealing with faith and science questions. One of these is the Vatican Observatory’s blog, where among other great finds are the essays of Fr. James Kurzynski. Here is a link to them:


Some may find these fascinating and helpful as I do.

That’s just one of many sources of inspiration and pondering. I’ve been watching National Geographic documentaries about discoveries in dinosaur evolution recently, which have deepened my understanding of that process, and raised questions at the same time. The dinosaurs were amazing creatures about which we are learning so many new details, correcting previous mistaken assumptions, etc. Quite a different world they lived in from ours today. And because of a rock from space striking the Earth, they died off and small mammals survived and from them eventually evolved monkeys and primates and . . . us.

I’ve also had an interest in Evo-Devo since I discovered what it is - Google it, read Sean B. Carroll’s books - fascinating stuff. I love to learn about DNA and hope to have my own DNA sequenced at the first opportunity.

This essay by Fr. Kurzynski ties together some of these threads and where they intersect with our faith in a recent post entitled “God and Creation: Irenaeus of Lyons and the Opulence of God.” Really, I suggest reading it, it may just knock your socks off.


I hope I’m not being too random in this post - all this stuff has been swirling in my mind and connecting together and I hope somehow I can convey that connection. It crystallized for me in a moment of thinking a couple of days ago. It was a mini-epiphany. It occurred to me in a simple thought -

God loved every animal that ever lived. Whether it arose and died off, or lives today, or perhaps hasn’t even come into being yet but will. He loved those dinosaurs and the little rodents that supplanted them. I believe He hears the cry of the predator and the prey, and somehow, in ways we cannot comprehend, they are safe with Him. I’m not a pantheist, I don’t believe in worshipping the created over the Creator. But I believe if He “created them and found them good,” those aren’t just empty words.

Our own bodies are full of an entire biome of microorganisms. These are individual; even identical twins don’t have identical systems. It’s amazing. God is good. There is so much. So-called “Junk DNA” can hold potential down the line: scientificamerican.com/article/hidden-treasures-in-junk-dna/

Anything I’ve cited here is just random gleanings - there is much more that we know. And there is even more that we don’t know. But none of it is a reason to criticize God or think He doesn’t exist or doesn’t know what he’s doing. The more I learn, the more I am in awe and see His hand at work. 👍
. . . , they died off and small mammals survived and from them eventually evolved monkeys and primates and . . . us. . .
We are a new creation.
We are not animals, any more than animals are plants or star dust.
It is in the nature of creation that each successive level was built on what was (the earth) but constitutes a different, more sophisticated type of being.
DNA is an important part of our physical make up. As persons we are more than the physical.
We can relate as individual beings, communing with each other. Simple matter cannot do this. And, no animal has free will.
We are a new creation.
We are not animals, any more than animals are plants or star dust.
It is in the nature of creation that each successive level was built on what was (the earth) but constitutes a different, more sophisticated type of being.
DNA is an important part of our physical make up. As persons we are more than the physical.
We can relate as individual beings, communing with each other. Simple matter cannot do this. And, no animal has free will.
You believe.

We are a new creation.
We are not animals, any more than animals are plants or star dust.
It is in the nature of creation that each successive level was built on what was (the earth) but constitutes a different, more sophisticated type of being.
DNA is an important part of our physical make up. As persons we are more than the physical.
We can relate as individual beings, communing with each other. Simple matter cannot do this. And, no animal has free will.
With respect, we are animals - we are in the class Mammalia. Yet we are also created in the image and likeness of God. This piece explains it nicely: catholic.com/tracts/adam-eve-and-evolution

Another resource - this book - if you want to delve into it really deeply: From Big Bang To Big Mystery, by Fr. Brendan Purcell. Here’s a review so you can get an idea of the book’s premise and scope: christendom-awake.org/pages/purcell/big-bang.htm

We are part of all of Creation - and we are special - these two need not be in conflict; we need not feel ashamed of being animals, and we should simultaneously feel in awe and gratitude that we are “little less than the angels.” A great mystery, difficult to wrap our minds around, which is why it’s easy to get tempted to reductionist arguments. Embrace the mystery!

“If the human body takes its origin from pre-existent living matter, the spiritual soul is immediately created by God.” --Pope St. John Paul II, in an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 1996

“. . . every spiritual soul is created immediately by God.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church, #366
The ocean’s do have plant life that creates oxygen. In fact 50-80% of the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from plankton in the ocean. The salt in the ocean comes from rain water washing off the rocks. Salt is a mineral and it is necessary for life. Fish can adapt to either salt water or not. Also, we now have the technology to get drinking water from the ocean. I would say that the salt was probably introduced over time into the ocean from erosion of rock minerals. If this is the case any large body of water would eventually become salty, even if you started from fresh water.
Also, I was just thinking without the salt water in the ocean then it would freeze over in the winter. And nothing can grow in ice or produce oxygen.
A person who criticises Creation needs to produce a feasible blueprint of a superior universe. Please note that piecemeal improvements are inadequate…
Life is only brutal from the artificial viewpoint of a person sitting in comfort sheltered from the elements without having to hunt for food. If you can explain how **all **
I agree that competition is inevitable but if if life is “simply what developed” then God is redundant!
I agree that competition is inevitable but if if life is “simply what developed” then God is redundant!
I know when I need to stop spending time on these forums when I run across a statement like this. I am not sure if the desired effect is making someone who loves God clutch their hearts and faint for the sheer horror of it or if the comment in just a mental tape played back so often in his mind, that the writer has lost touch with grace, beauty and goodness.

But, for me I just have a weary sense that it is time for me to just back away, If someone who can not see and appreciate the wonder of God and His creation, there really is nothing I can do for them. My instinct is sarcasm but there is already far to much of that. I think that I will I will drive to the top of my beautiful Grand Mesa of the Rockies and look across the Western Colorado Valley that I love.
I agree that competition is inevitable but if if life is “simply what developed” then God is redundant!
The truth is not always palatable but in the long run it outlasts wishful thinking. In a Godless universe there would be no rational basis for belief in values of any description because life would be fundamentally valueless, purposeless and meaningless.Grace, beauty and goodness exist precisely because the universe is created by a loving Father, not produced by Chance and blind Necessity.
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