Harms of Homosexuality.

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You question echoes in a mimic of *Pilate making his sarcastic query to the Truth incarnate before him. The apparent contradiction was shattered with the resurrection of the deceased body of Jesus who reconciled all things created unto Himself. /QUOTE]

No, I may not have been clear.

If knowledge and truth contradict each other either one of both are wrong, or there is a biger picture that reconciles them. The certainty that what one believes is True is can come from many sources. But scientitif knowledge, empirical study, well, that is always provisional, but always expending.

Rejecting evidence of this that and the other because it does not conform to Truth indicates a failure. Where the failure is?

Well…people who know Truth know it cant be them (not one of the 7 deadlt come to mind, oh on) so the error lies elsewhere.

So, how come all these people cant agree which is the one true religion? Why if the holy spirit guides the selection of …

no, that’s enough.
Originally Posted by 2perfection
They certainly do…and better than the ‘real thing’ 👍
You GO! girl!
I hope that this thread does not deteriorate to becoming fly paper for the homosexual apologists to simply parade and celebrate the gay lifestyle? :nope:
I hope that this thread does not deteriorate to becoming fly paper for the homosexual apologists to simply parade and celebrate the gay lifestyle? :nope:
AIDS and health risks
Cost of health care
Family breakdown
Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
Lower life expectancy
Anal cancer
Mental Illness
AIDS and health risks - AIDS is actually steadily increasing among heterosexuals, and homosexuals are not the only people who can contract it.

Cost of health care - Once again, AIDS is not just a “gay disease.”

Family breakdown - Already happening… Divorce, heterosexual affairs, and ignorance about a homosexual family member (i.e. rejecting them and shunning them away) are major causes of family breakdown.

Syphilis - Guess what? heterosexuals get it all the time.

Lower life expectancy - There is no proof to this claim.

Anal cancer - You mean colon cancer? that actually is not caused by anal sex. My uncle currently has it and guess what? he is heterosexual.

Suicide - The only time homosexuals commit suicide is when individuals harrass them, threaten their lives, and outcast them. When their church and family leaves them out in the cold (despite Jesus’s teachings about love, acceptance, and helping others). Did Jesus leave Mary Magdalene high and dry just because she committed a sin? No.

Mental Illness - This is not scientifcally or psychologically proven.

Pedophilia - Here’s is a snipit from McGill University:

"The perpetrators of child sexual abuse are overwhelmingly men; very few women are offenders. The abuser is usually a member of the child’s family or someone known by the family. Pedophiles, men who have a sexual preference for children, constitute less than 1% of the adult male population. Pedophiles are quite distinct from adult gay men who prefer adult sexual partners. Studies have shown no correlation between a man’s sexual orientation and a tendency to sexually abuse children

Homosexual pedophiles are considered a perversion of the normal homosexual man in the same way that heterosexual pedophiles are also a perversion. Heterosexual men are twice as likely to sexually abuse children as homosexual men are. There is solid evidence that over 92% of child abuse cases, including same gender sexual abuse, are perpetrated by heterosexuals."


If you put someone on trial, you have to make sure you have your facts stright.
AIDS and health risks - AIDS is actually steadily increasing among heterosexuals, and …


If you put someone on trial, you have to make sure you have your facts stright.
Thank you for source citing for your above assertions based on scientific/research facts/findings. However, you did neglect to point out the incumbent homosexual/gay agenda bias of your source cited assertions/claims. From your above McGill University web link:

Here is but a small sample from the “University-wide web page and document results” from “McGill University” (a Canadian university none the less) which “has a proud heritage of award-winning and cutting-edge scholarship and discovery”:

Dispelling Myths of Homosexuality
Dispelling Myths of Homosexuality
www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **lth/myths/

Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **th/amiglb/

Recognizing Heterosexism and Homophobia
Recognizing heterosexism and homophobia: Creating an anti-
heterosexist, homophobia-free campus

www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **omophobia/
Here is an excerpt from the Student Manual of your own School of Social Work (please correct me if you are not an alumni):

Student manual
Student manual

Student manual: An Introduction to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Two-Spirited Communities

Introduction: “The book that you are now holding in your hands has been designed specifically for you as a student at the McGill School of Social Work. Recently, the profession of social work has become increasingly aware of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited (glbtt-s) populations as oppressed groups within society with distinctive issues, realities and needs. Thus, social work education in professional schools across the country has been growing to encompass and address these unique realities. The purpose of this book is to augment this educational process by introducing and explaining several of the key issues impactingv on the glbtt-s communities.”
If you put someone on trial, you have to make sure you have your facts stright
**stright **-- I couldn’t help but notice your misspelling here and wonder if this may have been a Freudian slip? Perhaps you unconsciously meant to say “straight”?, or “right”?, or “straight is right”? :hmmm:
AIDS and health risks - AIDS is actually steadily increasing among heterosexuals, and homosexuals are not the only people who can contract it.

Cost of health care - Once again, AIDS is not just a “gay disease.”

Family breakdown - Already happening… Divorce, heterosexual affairs, and ignorance about a homosexual family member (i.e. rejecting them and shunning them away) are major causes of family breakdown.

Syphilis - Guess what? heterosexuals get it all the time.

Lower life expectancy - There is no proof to this claim.

Anal cancer - You mean colon cancer? that actually is not caused by anal sex. My uncle currently has it and guess what? he is heterosexual.

Suicide - The only time homosexuals commit suicide is when individuals harrass them, threaten their lives, and outcast them. When their church and family leaves them out in the cold (despite Jesus’s teachings about love, acceptance, and helping others). Did Jesus leave Mary Magdalene high and dry just because she committed a sin? No.

Mental Illness - This is not scientifcally or psychologically proven.

Pedophilia - Here’s is a snipit from McGill University:

"The perpetrators of child sexual abuse are overwhelmingly men; very few women are offenders. The abuser is usually a member of the child’s family or someone known by the family. Pedophiles, men who have a sexual preference for children, constitute less than 1% of the adult male population. Pedophiles are quite distinct from adult gay men who prefer adult sexual partners. Studies have shown no correlation between a man’s sexual orientation and a tendency to sexually abuse children

Homosexual pedophiles are considered a perversion of the normal homosexual man in the same way that heterosexual pedophiles are also a perversion. Heterosexual men are twice as likely to sexually abuse children as homosexual men are. There is solid evidence that over 92% of child abuse cases, including same gender sexual abuse, are perpetrated by heterosexuals."


If you put someone on trial, you have to make sure you have your facts stright.
Please check back through hundreds of posts that will refer you to citations to correct your error in understanding.
Thank you for source citing for your above assertions based on scientific/research facts/findings. However, you did neglect to point out the incumbent homosexual/gay agenda bias of your source cited assertions/claims. From your above McGill University web link:

Here is but a small sample from the “University-wide web page and document results” from “McGill University” (a Canadian university none the less) which “has a proud heritage of award-winning and cutting-edge scholarship and discovery”:

Dispelling Myths of Homosexuality
Dispelling Myths of Homosexuality
www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **lth/myths/

Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **th/amiglb/

Recognizing Heterosexism and Homophobia
Recognizing heterosexism and homophobia: Creating an anti-
heterosexist, homophobia-free campus

www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **omophobia/
“A Canadian university none the less?” FYI, Canada has an excellent Education system that is equal to, or excells the U.S. in post-secondary education. Don’t you dare insult my home country.

On a side note…the sources you gave are biast.
MorgsMetalGirl said:
“A Canadian university none the less?” FYI, Canada has an excellent Education system that is equal to, or excells the U.S. in post-secondary education. Don’t you dare insult my home country.

On a side note…the sources you gave are biast.

The only sources that I cited were from the source link that you provided – mcgill.ca/studenthealth/…erhealth/myths/. :confused:

Did you want to restate yourself? :o
Grace & Peace!
If obeying the moral law is now considered legalism, then Christ is a legalist.
Fix, when moral law simply becomes a replacement for the old law, however well-meaning the initial impulse to do so, the result is often legalism. And in the midst of the legalistic impulse, the Royal Law of Love and the message of the Gospel is often forgotten.

Is morality dictated by conscience, or is conscience dictated by morality? If morality is entirely external to conscience, then I would would argue that that is, indeed, pure legalism. But if there is a dialogue between conscience and morality, the one informing the other, then there is a living relationship with morality that grows and develops as one’s conscience and one’s moral understanding grow and develop. This sort of relationship cannot be rigidly codified–the moment it is, the relationship is over and moral pride begins to warp the conscience.

We are expected to live into the reality of Christ, not into the temporal and transient reality of Law, even if that law is moral law. Because the reality of Christ encompasses the moral law and will lead us, by his Spirit, into all truth. One can be a moral person without Christ–but what good is that? Moral law divorced from the gospel, sundered from Christ, cannot gain us grace–we cannot invent our righteousness through doing good things and thinking good things. It is through Christ that we are strengthened to live an upright life and by whom and through whom our good deeds and thoughts are brought to good flower.

We find what we truly are in Christ, not in being moral. You may argue that they’re one and the same–and to a degree, I agree with you (see above)–to walk the Way (which is Christ) is to live into Christ is to discover oneself a moral person, abiding by the moral law as a result of one’s relationship with Christ. But to have as one’s goal not Christ but the living of a morally good life, we replace Christ with the idol of our morality–we externalize conscience, create law, and bow to it. All the while, Christ is beckoning to us saying, “Give it up–follow me! I can show you a righteousness that is fruitful and a blessing to you and all around you! It’s me!”

Forgive the digression. So often it seems that when it comes to issues of morality, we are quick to pull out a schedule of do’s and dont’s, actions and consequences. “How do I live a good life?” someone asks. “Well,” the response often goes, “you must not do A, B, C, you must do D, E, F, there are special days to observe, there’s a lot of charity work to do, refrain from G, H, I, here’s a special reading list, here are a group of quotations that may be relevant, avoid J, K, L, but by all means do M,N,O, but try not to indulge yourself in P,Q,R, though S,T,U are okay on occasion, there’s a bit more, so refer to experts V, W, X but don’t go near Y and Z. Also, love fits in somewhere.” All that is meaningless when compared to Christ’s command which he gave in love to his apostles, “Follow me!”

I don’t mean to be ridiculous–of course, the question that follows is: How? How do we follow? But to ignore or downplay the aspect of relationship and to perfer the easier (though less fruitful) path of moral legalism, dos and don’ts, is to forget the gospel.

Under the Mercy,

Deo Gratias!
Deo Volente:
Grace & Peace!

Fix, when moral law simply becomes a replacement for the old law, however well-meaning the initial impulse to do so, the result is often legalism. And in the midst of the legalistic impulse, the Royal Law of Love and the message of the Gospel is often forgotten.

Is morality dictated by conscience, or is conscience dictated by morality? If morality is entirely external to conscience, then I would would argue that that is, indeed, pure legalism. But if there is a dialogue between conscience and morality, the one informing the other, then there is a living relationship with morality that grows and develops as one’s conscience and one’s moral understanding grow and develop. This sort of relationship cannot be rigidly codified–the moment it is, the relationship is over and moral pride begins to warp the conscience.

We are expected to live into the reality of Christ, not into the temporal and transient reality of Law, even if that law is moral law. Because the reality of Christ encompasses the moral law and will lead us, by his Spirit, into all truth. One can be a moral person without Christ–but what good is that? Moral law divorced from the gospel, sundered from Christ, cannot gain us grace–we cannot invent our righteousness through doing good things and thinking good things. It is through Christ that we are strengthened to live an upright life and by whom and through whom our good deeds and thoughts are brought to good flower.

We find what we truly are in Christ, not in being moral. You may argue that they’re one and the same–and to a degree, I agree with you (see above)–to walk the Way (which is Christ) is to live into Christ is to discover oneself a moral person, abiding by the moral law as a result of one’s relationship with Christ. But to have as one’s goal not Christ but the living of a morally good life, we replace Christ with the idol of our morality–we externalize conscience, create law, and bow to it. All the while, Christ is beckoning to us saying, “Give it up–follow me! I can show you a righteousness that is fruitful and a blessing to you and all around you! It’s me!”

Forgive the digression. So often it seems that when it comes to issues of morality, we are quick to pull out a schedule of do’s and dont’s, actions and consequences. “How do I live a good life?” someone asks. “Well,” the response often goes, “you must not do A, B, C, you must do D, E, F, there are special days to observe, there’s a lot of charity work to do, refrain from G, H, I, here’s a special reading list, here are a group of quotations that may be relevant, avoid J, K, L, but by all means do M,N,O, but try not to indulge yourself in P,Q,R, though S,T,U are okay on occasion, there’s a bit more, so refer to experts V, W, X but don’t go near Y and Z. Also, love fits in somewhere.” All that is meaningless when compared to Christ’s command which he gave in love to his apostles, “Follow me!”

I don’t mean to be ridiculous–of course, the question that follows is: How? How do we follow? But to ignore or downplay the aspect of relationship and to perfer the easier (though less fruitful) path of moral legalism, dos and don’ts, is to forget the gospel.

Under the Mercy,

Deo Gratias!
After all that I have three things in reply:
  1. The post of mine you quoted was in response to a post that embarced homosexual acts as good. I have not seen you reply to that post, yet??
  2. As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.'d]”

    “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”
Jesus looked at him and loved him.
  1. I see very little legalism in the Church, or the world, today. What I see are many downplaying the moral law, as you have above.
Thank you for source citing for your above assertions based on scientific/research facts/findings. However, you did neglect to point out the incumbent homosexual/gay agenda bias of your source cited assertions/claims. From your above McGill University web link:

Here is but a small sample from the “University-wide web page and document results” from “McGill University” (a Canadian university none the less) which “has a proud heritage of award-winning and cutting-edge scholarship and discovery”:

Dispelling Myths of Homosexuality
Dispelling Myths of Homosexuality
www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **lth/myths/

Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **th/amiglb/

Recognizing Heterosexism and Homophobia
Recognizing heterosexism and homophobia: Creating an anti-
heterosexist, homophobia-free campus

www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/information/q** … **omophobia/
Do you deny AIDS, HIV and resultant costs impact many more heterosexuals than gay?

Do you assert that you can spot all homosexuals by appearance alone?

Do you assert that sterotypes do not exist and are not partly the foundation of prejudice?

Do you assert that heterosexual do not commit sexual abise?

Do you assert that colon cancer is always linked to anal sex?

it is all very well to impune a source, but the net effect is to try and convince people the source is not trustworthy.

So, given the bias of the source, are you claiming that the above facts are untrue?

If you do not mean to impy this, just what were you getting at?
AIDS; not even the Red Cross will accept your blood if you admit to it. For those who donated blood and didn’t admit to it they have perpetuated the spread of Aids to the “innocent” victims. Giving someone a ‘death’ sentence can’t be a good thing no matter how you try to sugar coat it. Even the Red Cross who opens themselves to everyone have learned to say “NO”!
Do you deny AIDS, HIV and resultant costs impact many more heterosexuals than gay?

Do you assert that you can spot all homosexuals by appearance alone?

Do you assert that sterotypes do not exist and are not partly the foundation of prejudice?

Do you assert that heterosexual do not commit sexual abise?

Do you assert that colon cancer is always linked to anal sex?

it is all very well to impune a source, but the net effect is to try and convince people the source is not trustworthy.

So, given the bias of the source, are you claiming that the above facts are untrue?

If you do not mean to impy this, just what were you getting at?
I assert that the source cited by this poster for her assertions is ladden through and through with a pervasive pro-homosexual/gay agenda bias. Period. Let’s leave it to those who read her comments to draw the proper conclusions as to her source citation and the empirical veracity of her assertions.

I refer you to post #86 to address your concerns.
I still experience a minor degree of same gender attraction. From the gist of this thread and others like it somehow I am considered a potential pedophile or much worse even though I have never had sex in my life. For those like myself I am also condemned no matter who I share living arrangements with. I can’t room with a girl or a guy because either one would be living in sin. Well, I’m a little old fashioned. I choose not to live with a woman but at the same time I choose not to live alone. This means a two bedroom apartment with a member of the male gender. I don’t consider this a sin anymore than when I was growing up in my own family. Once again all this shows that one can be a balanced person while carrying this cross. It is enough already. Don’t throw more crosses on our backs. I am not a gay apologist but am frustrated with many who post here.:banghead:
MorgsMetalGirl said:
“A Canadian university none the less?” FYI, Canada has an excellent Education system that is equal to, or excells the U.S. in post-secondary education. Don’t you dare insult my home country.

Well, that explains everything. It’s a good day to be gay, eh? 🙂
I still experience a minor degree of same gender attraction. From the gist of this thread and others like it somehow I am considered a potential pedophile or much worse even though I have never had sex in my life. For those like myself I am also condemned no matter who I share living arrangements with. I can’t room with a girl or a guy because either one would be living in sin. Well, I’m a little old fashioned. I choose not to live with a woman but at the same time I choose not to live alone. This means a two bedroom apartment with a member of the male gender. I don’t consider this a sin anymore than when I was growing up in my own family. Once again all this shows that one can be a balanced person while carrying this cross. It is enough already. Don’t throw more crosses on our backs. I am not a gay apologist but am frustrated with many who post here.:banghead:
I can understand your frustration. So you have a roommate, so what? You’re celibate. I don’t understand why anyone has a problem with that. I’ve noticed that many of the posters here, and I’m sure I’ve done it myself, in their/our quest to follow the law must be careful not to become modern day Pharisees. It is no good to be well acquainted with the letter of the law, but not the spirit. Jesus taught us to forgive, to have mercy and compassion, and to love one another.
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