Nope. I see where you’re going with this.
I believe he had comple control of his faculties and was merely stating the truth.
You may think whatever you please…that does not change reality. But for some of us, this was not a remote reality.
The reality is that Cardinal Poletti, when he was in charge of the Vicariato, appointed a Pauline priest to be an exorcist for the diocese of Rome…that was Father Amorth. The Cardinal made that appointment in 1985 and Father had an office right near the Scala Santa.
In the ensuing 29 years, he contended
at the end of his life that he had performed over 70.000 exorcisms.
Do you know the rite of exorcism? Actually, you shouldn’t. Because those texts are not made available to non-clergy. Those of us who have them, possess them because we either use them due to a mandate from our respective bishop or we are lecturing on the rite and its aspects to either seminarians or priests because it is within our theological competence to do so.
In order to accomplish 70.000
exorcisms in 29 years – and he said the number was beyond that but we’ll leave it at 70.000 – one would need to do
over six and a half exorcisms per day, every day, without break, for 29 years. Considering Father was under canonical obligations, involving mandatory retreat, mandatory events involving his community and other times when I know he was away, you end up with a much higher number per day.
One actual exorcism is extremely daunting…extremely. We are not talking about the rite for blessing holy water or candles. This is a very involved rite and, frankly, brutal rite.
There’s a lot more one could add about what Father Amorth was saying at the end of his life – but I am not going to. It does not serve any purpose at this point, some 18 months after his death.