Harry Potter books removed from St. Edward Catholic School due to 'curses and spells’

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We want priests to lead wisely. This isn’t that. Is he going to pull the “Lord of the Rings” and “Chronicles of Narnia” next?
Or what about ‘The Wizard of Oz’ which features both good and bad witches, thereby teaching that some witchcraft is good? Or what about that old standard ‘Witchcraft’ that compares a beautiful woman’s charms to sorcery?
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Or what about ‘The Wizard of Oz’ which features both good and bad witches, thereby teaching that some witchcraft is good? Or what about that old standard ‘Witchcraft’ that compares a beautiful woman’s charms to sorcery?
As I said, I really don’t care if the HP books appear in the school’s library, my objection is to the priest saying “The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text,”, which is just ridiculous and only serves to give ammunition to our enemies.
If simply knowing Latin were enough to execute witchcraft, wouldn’t classics majors be some of the most confoundingly powerful people on earth?
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“The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text,”
I’m sure he’s surprised the audiobook didn’t trigger the apocalypse.
Granted that the priest here might not have the complete materials necessary for a totally comprehensive view, and that what he has and uses might not contain 100% correct information. . .the fact is, going on what he does believe, and with his authority as the pastor, even if we disagree with the conclusion he arrived at from incomplete/erroneous information, he still has the power to make that decision.

If this were a public school teacher (and there are more than a few of them, particularly in certain areas in the US) who refused to allow books such as “Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret” or “Summer of 42” or “Bridge to Terebithia” because the teacher deemed the subject matter to be too ambiguous, to contain themes which were problematic for younger students, etc., or even didn’t want Harry Potter because the later books were just so long that many of the students wouldn’t be able to get any other required reading done for a semester and there were other books which were more appropriate for the younger students --nobody would turn a HAIR.

But let a priest (ooohh, medieval, repressive, ‘probably a pedophile’, closed minded) comment on what he legitimately had researched and considered a convincing argument about the danger to SPIRITUAL HEALTH of children. . .

And it’s like he’s broken all the commandments. He’s stupid, he’s setting back the cause of Catholicism 500 years, he’s ignorant, he’s biased, he’s this, he’s this.

For the last 60 or so years there has been a consistent effort on the part of many Catholic priests, teachers, and theologians to downplay the devil. How often do you hear "The devil is a symbol’, "Humans are the ones who choose evil, the devil is just a scapegoat’, "Can the devil be saved’, "Sympathy for the Devil " (LOL I snuck in that reference), but the thing is, the whole idea of even talking about spells and witches and devils is considered ‘low class’, ‘19th century’, ‘passe’, etc. So a priest who uses those terms, who apparently does think that presenting even supposedly ‘fictional’ spells and settings in a positive way might be unhealthy for children (and we know from the Slenderman incident that it doesn’t take a ‘real’ evil for children to commit atrocities), is immediately jumped on because. . .
and let’s be blunt here. . .
A lot of people are more convinced about how THEY appear to others.

If a person identifies as Catholic, he or she wants every Catholic ‘in the news’ to be put forth as a bright, shining light. . .modern, up to date, uber tolerant, uber enlightened. . .
And if a “Catholic” puts forth an opinion that doesn’t match up with ‘societal secular wisdom’, that makes it look like that Catholic is exactly what ‘today’s Catholic’ wants to claim is not a ‘real Catholic anymore’. . .it makes today’s, “I’m a smart Catholic” look bad by association.

We don’t like having people chortle, “See, I knew ‘those Catholics’ were really just ignorant and superstitious ha ha ha”. . .
even if we disagree with the conclusion he arrived at from incomplete/erroneous information, he still has the power to make that decision.
I don’t see anyone here saying he doesn’t have that authority. Period.

You are arguing with the air, because you are arguing against points no one here is making EXCEPT that this priest’s words DO make the Church look ignorant.

There are no real spells in Harry Potter. They’re just Latin-ish jibberish. If he wants to assert that there are real spells in the books, then he should bring forth some sort of evidence – Wiccans who use those spells, or historical references to these spells, etc. Do make such a wild claim because someone told someone who told someone who told him that it’s true just makes the Church and its leaders look like a bunch of unthinking simpletons.

I couldn’t care less how I look to people because I’m Catholic. I have a lot of atheist and agnostic friends, many of whom really dislike the Church because of things like this. I’m pretty sure I’ll be hearing about it at work tomorrow when my colleagues and I take our walk at lunch, and I’ll roll my eyes and say, “Yeah, that priest said that, and it is no way Church teaching, just one man’s opinion… with which I vehemently disagree.” :roll_eyes:

I care very much about how the Church is presented by her members and her clergy especially. I heard about this story on my LOCAL news… in Denver, Colorado. This is not some little story that has no impact on the larger Church.

Again, this isn’t about how I appear to others. Those who know me, love me for who I am, knowing that I’m a practicing Catholic. This includes my atheist and agnostic friends. They know I’m smart. They know I’m Catholic. They know I know and practice my faith on a daily basis. Some priest expressing his opinion on Harry Potter isn’t going to change their opinion of me – but it absolutely pushes them further from the Truth, because this priest is representing his opinion as “truth.”

There’s my two cents. And I’m outta here.
If I agree with the priest on the matter matters little.
He acted like a Father. making a decision he deemed best for the welfare of his flock and his students. Good for him! More priests like this are needed!

That being said, thinking about reading some Potter to the kids before bed tonight!
I care very much about how the Church is presented by her members and her clergy especially.
The media never misses a beat to make the Church or clergy look ignorant. In many cases, we as Catholics see that a lot is left out. I suspect this is one of those cases where the media left stuff out or emphasized whatever would make the priest look stupid to the masses. I’m not going to automatically jump to the conclusion that the priest is an ignorant fool. The news is reporting that he was allegedly advised by exorcists on this matter as well.

Edited to add, I looked up this priest. Apparently he used to work on Wall Street. Several of his friends were killed on 9/11, which led him to get involved in the Charismatic movement and be ordained a priest when he was close to age 50. He has been involved in movements praying for priests and using intercessory prayer in general. He seems like a holy guy and one who “did his homework”, not some poorly educated hick.
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You’re focusing on one part of the entire discussion he had. Because of this one thing, you’re condemning the entire overarching aspect that a presentation even in a fictional way of ‘good’ spells might be harmful spiritually to impressionable children? We aren’t talking teens, we’re talking 8, 9, 10 year olds and younger, and believe me, they really do not easily distinguish ‘fact and fiction’ at those ages.
Tis, thank you.

I, like you, feel that the whole cherry picked quotes and emphases were deliberately made to yank the chains of the ‘we’re not those ignorant fool Catholics of the past’ crowd.
Here’s a previous post in Social Justice. This is parish politics pure & simple.
Evil Harry Potter Social Justice
This is happening in my diocese and there are a few people I personally know that are ranting and kvetching about this situation. The former pastor of the parish was a rather beloved priest. He also did some rather disobedient stuff and managed to tick-off 2 bishops. Many parents/school alumni are pissed off at the new pastor and want to see him gone - not just from the parish but the priesthood! I know this because there are several ‘refugees’ that have arrived at my parish. This story was M…
J.K Rowling majored in mythology in Exeter University in England. Her books are packaged in such a brilliant way that it is humorous and that the wording is appealing to impressionable young children. Rowling has managed to deliver her message that evil is really good. The heroes of the story uses good magic to win over evil magic. All of Harry’s teachers are practicing occultists. Didn’t the Bible state that those who practices witchcraft through the use of incantations and spells, is evil?

I am confused why any Catholic would defend these books when these books have become darker and darker as each book is published. Is it not a seduction of evil? Is witchcraft not a source of Satan?

As role models are we not meant to protect our young from being exposed to such material as what is in these books? When the book clearly and cleverly exposes our children to different pagan religions, witchcraft, and Satanism. Does this mean it is acceptable and that the characters in these books are good role models to young impressionable children?

I am pleased that all the HP books have been removed from the School. I respect the priest for making such a decision. He is a wise man and listened to his flock. He clarified the with those priests who work closely in the field of spiritual warfare .

Fr Ripperger on the matter of HP Books

Catholic Priests Burn Harry Potter Books in Poland
Poland, March 31, 2019.

Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP, a theologian and exorcist in the United States, has said “the spells in the [Harry Potter] books [apparently] are actual spells,” and that many of the names in the books reportedly are the names of actual demons expelled during real exorcisms.

“So, I tell people, avoid it” the books, he said. “All the other exorcists I know that are experienced, are very clear, stay away from it.”

He further said, “the fact of the matter is, is that when you tell people you shouldn’t let your kids read that, the purely visceral response you get is a result that tells me there is something diabolic about the whole thing.”

J.K. Rowling, the wildly successful author of the Harry Potter series, has said that the writer who most influenced her was Jessica Mitford, a longtime Communist Party member and supporter of the genocidal dictator Joseph Stalin
On another Harry Potter thread that video was used, and I mean this with all respect, but it is full of untruths.
Should I read Harry Potter books? Moral Theology
Right then, the video: Claim of witch schools - these do not exist. Lie number one. Spells are real - they are made up bits of Latin. Lie number two. Claim that woman burnt her house down after using the spell - proof? Citations? The spell is called “incendio”, which is Latin/Portuguese/Spanish - a mishmash of languages. Claims JK Rowling is a witch - Lie number three. He says himself he does not know if what the exorcist told him is true, so the claims surrounding that can be dismissed. “…
Okay so you are telling me that a theologian FSSP priest Fr Chad Ripperger is telling lies about what he has been told by another priest when talking at the TU Newman Center Conference Exorcism?

I understand Lou that you are Agnostic and I don’t know were you stand with your belief in God. As a Latin Catholic, I hold my faith and trust in what Fr Chad Ripperger has stated. As exorcists in Catholic Churchy they are the experts in this field. If exorcists are burdened with the fruits of this then I wouldn’t risk second guessing them.

Fr Chad Ripperger is correct in stating that:
when you tell people that you shouldn’t let their kids can read that the purely visceral response that you get is a result that tell diabolical about the hole thing
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
On another Harry Potter thread that video was used, and I mean this with all respect, but it is full of untruths.

Right then, the video: Claim of witch schools - these do not exist. Lie number one. Spells are real - they are made up bits of Latin. Lie number two. Claim that woman burnt her house down after using the spell - proof? Citations? The spell is called “incendio”, which is Latin/Portuguese/Spanish - a mishmash of languages. Claims JK Rowling is a witch - Lie number three. He says himself he does not know if what the exorcist told him is true, so the claims surrounding that can be dismissed. “…
Okay so you are telling me that a theologian FSSP priest Fr Chad Ripperger is telling lies about what he has been told by another priest when talking at the TU Newman Center Conference Exorcism?
I am saying he was told second-hand information from another Priest, and he admits himself he does not know the truth about what happened.

With regards to some of his other claims, namely that Rowling went to a ‘witch school’ and the spells are real, yes, I am saying he is telling untruths. Because both are false claims. It’s not about my own beliefs, because several Catholics on this board have said exactly the same as I have when it comes to the claims Fr Ripperger made in the video.
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Wow…I can just remember mom reading us little kids stories of fairies and goblins and trolls…then there was a puppet show called Punch and Judy…had the devil as one of the puppets…I think he kills Judy…scared the pants off us…when I was a teen back in the sixties there were Evangelicals telling us we were listening to satanic music …subliminal messages that were recorded and which became clear when the record was played backward…(backmasking) so we were unknowingly being brainwashed with satanic messages…years later I became a Catholic…I can now look back and see where all those evil influences have led me astray…I’m doomed.
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