No, I can’t force anyone to believe otherwise, but I might convince others that their line of thinking is in error, or I can plant a suggestion that they may want to rethink their position, which is precisely what my daughther has done.Yes, but that was your desire to change or the Holy Spirit speaking to you. You, yourself, cannot cause or force another person to change his/her beliefs.
I think if they see others have followed their same path and have returned to the Church, they may get a hint that they were wrong to stray in the first place. People’s opinions do change over time. Folks tend to get more conservative as they get older.
There is a grain of truth in the saying, “if you are not liberal when you are young then you have no heart, but if you are not conservative when you get older, then you have no brain”.
Young folks tend to be idealist, while older folks tend to be more pragmatic.