Have you ever seen Jesus Christ Superstar? What did you think?

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I saw the London company perform it in Melbourne, Australia in the early 70’s when I was a young tad. I didn’t want to go, but it had quite the impression on me. In subsequent years, we had the albums and I learned all the words. At high school cast parties we’d sing along with whole albums as well. A lot of fun.

After I was confirmed I bought the albums at a used record store. I have a tradition of playing them on Holy Saturday. Singing along of course. My favorite song these days is Pilate’s Dream. I like the guitar.

I haven’t but I have fond memories of the music when I was a kid. One song really stuck. Helen Reddy’s version of “I don’t know how to love him”. Beautiful chords.
Yes, I was 11 and my mom took me and my sister to see it on stage.I Was in awe at the ending…when they closed the curtain and when it opened …the scene of Jesus hanging on the cross was so real it scarred me. I liked the songs especially " I Don’t no How to Love Him" 🦋🦋
I’ve never seen the musical but plan to, this Easter. I’m familiar with the song you mentioned and love it.
Funny you should mention it…I’m working on a book/presentation dealing with the theology of the music…hoping to be done in time next year for Lent…looking forward to the NBC presentation Easter night.
Ive seen the movie many times, and saw a play featuring Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson in their roles.
I’ve also seen a youtube of John Legend hitting one of the high notes that Ted hit so effortlessly. Don’t overexpect. If you know the differnence between falsetto and modal voices you will be disappointed. I’ll still watch, but I’m not expecting it to be that great.
In the musical, does Mary Magdalene play a romantic partner of Jesus? It looks like that in the trailer.
On NBC right now and pretty good. Music is kind of loud though.
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I’ve just watched most of the first 20 minutes (I was about 5 minutes late getting in from an errand).

So far, I’m pretty unimpressed, especially with John Legend as Jesus and whoever is playing Mary Magdalene.

The Sanhedrin who just came on seem much more interesting.
It’s a musical, I don’t think it’s going to be gentle whispering to relax you to sleep. 😁
We could have better balance of instrumental and vocal though.

I am always amazed with the vocal talent.
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Is there a full cast list for this somewhere? Can’t find it on NBC site so far. The blonde guy who just finished singing is the best one yet.

John Legend is not doing it for me as Jesus, sorry. Too wimpy voiced and looks like some guy who’s not used to acting wandering around in pajamas and robe. Just not my taste.
I’m watching it on TV right now.
So far, I’d say it’s very well done but: sort of noisy. I don’t like the audience cheering and screaming. And too many long commercial breaks.
I have a feeling Alice is going to be the high point of this show.

Too bad Bowie died or they could have gotten him to play Pilate again like he did for Scorsese
Yes, I could do without the cheering but I guess it adds to the feeling of being there in person.

Bowie would have been amazing.
I’m watching it now on NBC.
John Legend is a cutie
Ah to be young and talented and in a production like this…
I always understood Mary Magdelene in JCS as a fan girl. She seems to kind of have a crush, but she also seems to understand that there’s something a bit inappropriate about her crush.
Basically she comes off to me as kind of a mixed up gal.
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