Welcome, Shinobu,
Always nice to see new faces! Yes, it is a disservice to Journeyman who began the thread eons ago, but it’s also a frailty of human nature to get side-tracked. You see this all the time in our daily conversations, no?
Generally, whenever a person tries to follow Christ in a serious manner and experiences one or more severe trials, well-meaning folks approach them to say, “Aw, you’re just going through the Dark Night of the Soul.”
Problem is, the remark is so ill-understood by the one making it, and less so by the one who listens, that it can cause deep confusion. It has become a catch-all phrase to cover all suffering.
However, what we are trying to point out here, is that the actual phrase was one written by St. John of the Cross, and directed to those in monastic communities who were undergoing passive purification in advanced stages of spirituality. Primarily, it was for those with the contemplative vocation, whose whole life was dedicated to prayer. As our saints have written, do not desire to be a contemplative unless you are ready for the cross, for they truly suffer immensely. Lest I offend those who dislike my quoting, I will not provide the reference here, but one is in Way of Perfection.
In a nutshell, I hope this is more of a layman’s description that you can grasp. I wouldn’t worry too much about whether or not you are, or may be some day in the so-called “Dark Night,” for it is something usually pertaining to a later stage of spirituality. God has many ways of awakening such a person to find the helps available to understand their condition, such as these very works. It delights me to know that others have gone before us, and have shared their insights for posterity, so that we are not left to struggle alone. Their words are not useless old-time fables, IMO, but treasures to live by in any age.
So may we repeat the beautiful words of the psalmist, “I busy not myself with things too sublime for me.”
Much peace and joy to you,