One of my daughters Husband just separated from her after admitting he was Homosexual and was in a relationship with another man. They have been married 23 years.By trying really hard. If my experience can be any kind of guide in that. In thinking that the cure to SSA is to get really serious with a girl. To sort of put your hopes in that.
But good luck with it. Because it can maybe help mask things for a bit. It can give a guy hope that he’s over that side of things for a little while. By giving him a distraction from it. By giving him a strong physical proxy. But it does nothing to end the desire. It does nothing to end his strong pull there. Even if they get married. Like in my case. All that happened was a lot of mental fantasies. To keep relations possible. In the end it’s a lot of mental games to get things to make sense. To keep trying to go with the flow of it. Until it all comes unraveled. Because of a single mistake. A single miss can reveal the lie.
Peace Rau.