He left us...

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George’s visit went alright. He actually cried when he left. I’m glad to see him showing at least a little emotion finally.

I had my first appointment with the counselor at a nearby parish. It went really well. I realize now that George is much more immature than I ever thought. Counseling is helping me to realize that while I do have a part in our problems, the majority of this is not my fault. The counselor believes that there are four main issues in our marriage: codependency on my part (basically enabling George’s poor behaviors and making excuses for him); immaturity on George’s part; dysfunctional family control and enmeshment by George’s parents; and inappropriate use of alcohol by George (she actually think he shows addictive behavior but I’m not so sure). She says that unless George can see that it isn’t appropriate for a married man (especially one with children) to be going to bars and leaving his wife home to take care of the children on a regular basis, unless he can develop a healthier relationship with his parents, and unless I can quit enabling his behavior, we really don’t have a shot of making anything work. George refuses to work on either of his parts. I am working my co-dependency issues, something I need to do irregardless of what George does.

I still pray for a miracle, but in all reality, I realize that our marriage is probably over, and not only that, but we probably never had a sacramental marriage in the first place. According to the counselor, George never had an accurate view of what marriage should be. She says that marriage should be George’s second priority, with God being his first priority, but in reality George’s order is George first, parents 2nd, marriage 3rd, God lower down the list of priorities. It really makes me sad. Sadder than you can even imagine for myself and for the babies, but mostly for George. He is going to miss out on such great joy.

I have reached a point where I am no longer mad at George. Although he claims to see things so clearly now, in reality, he is extremely confused and needs time to grow up and find himself. I hope he takes the time to do so, but with this new relationship already in progress, I fear that he won’t.

I’m actually feeling fairly at peace with what is happening. I know that God can work even the worst things for good. Like I said I still pray for our marriage to be saved, but I also pray that if it isn’t, God will give me time to heal and then provide me with a holy spouse, one who will treat Grace and Jake as his own, who is loyal to the Church and all it’s teachings, someone who is mature and can truly lead a family. I don’t doubt for a minute that my calling remains to be a wife and mom and I still want a big family. I just have to trust God to provide that even if it isn’t with George.

I’m actually enjoying taking more time to focus on my faith. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and praying. I’m even looking for a spiritual director, and I’m hoping God will provide someone soon. I feel closer to God now than I have in quite awhile.
I felt better after reading this, it sounds like you’re really growing thru this experience. The fact that he cried touches my heart, this can’t be easy for
him, to realize what he has thrown away for a “shake-down in the shower”. I almost feel sorry for the guy!
As for your situation, it does ME good to know the grace that God will send to us if we just ask!
Thanks for helping my own faith.
I think a lot of the guys do not know what the marriage covenant actually means. My husband did not know that too. He just thought that marriage was between 2 families and not between 2 people.
Also, he was very sure about the part where God asks for the submission of the wife but was totally clueless about what he meant about loving your wife like Christ loves the church.
MegO, you are in my prayers. You are right to continue to ask for the grace to love and forgive this man. What is important today is that you walk with grace, dignity and your head held high so that your children are afforded the opportunity to learn how to be Godly people from your example.

I also believe you should protect your assets and the rights of your children to be properly supported by their father. That may mean you end up legally seperated, rather than divorced, but you have to think of them as well as yourself.

My mother was also left with two children. We became her focus in life - raising us to be good Catholics, with strong foundation of morality. Part of that meant she had to forgive my father, not date, go to work full time…all in all she did an amazing job. My father remarried, had numerous affairs, had nothing but problems all his life and constantly regretted leaving my mother. Ten days before he died, he went to confession and received the Eucharist for the first time in almost 40 years. He had no reason to think he was near death…he did it because he wanted to be right with God.

My point is this - you have a solid purpose. You are a mother, a Catholic mother, and that puts a high standard of behavior on your shoulders. BUT you are not alone…you can do this and we will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Shoot, I am even going to pray for your husband…the big dummy…can I pray that his Guardian Angel give him a swift kick in the butt?
The reason I urged her to see a lawyer is because she already has a sound foundation in her Faith, so she doesn’t need any advice on that level.
By reading the thread I can see that the OP has a solid faith. However even the greatest faiths can be “rocked” and “shattered”…. Doubt can creep in, especially when times are tough.

Look at Peter and look how many times his faith was rocked, look how many times he doubted. It not enough to say I have faith… you need a rock to lean on!

Yes, we can lean on God and we should always lean on God, and God should ALWAYS be our primary rock. However we also need to be able to turn to people for moral and spiritual support; we need spiritual directors in our lives.
I’m actually enjoying taking more time to focus on my faith. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and praying. I’m even looking for a spiritual director, and I’m hoping God will provide someone soon. I feel closer to God now than I have in quite awhile.
OP, I’m glad to here that you are seeking for a Spiritual Director. I hope that you are able to find someone, someone that can help you stay strong by always pointing to God. Someone that you can have as Spiritual Director even after this rough time has past.

Also it’s my understanding that a Spiritual Director doesn’t have to be a priest, pastor, etc. It could be anyone. Qualities, in my opinion, would be someone that has a great faith, a faith that is stronger then your own. It should be someone that would not steer you away from God… they should always help lead the way to God. And seeing you are Catholic it would be someone that is Catholic and understands what the Catholic Church teaches.

God Bless and Merry Christmas
I think a lot of the guys do not know what the marriage covenant actually means. My husband did not know that too. He just thought that marriage was between 2 families and not between 2 people.
Also, he was very sure about the part where God asks for the submission of the wife but was totally clueless about what he meant about loving your wife like Christ loves the church.
Men are not the only ones who can be clueless here. I desperetly wanted to save my marriage, but my (now ex-) wife left me and fled the country (with more than $5 million!).

while I do make say this with absolute certainty, I am beginning to think it all depends on whether the preson is inherently and deep down selfish and generous. Two generous people can overcome lots of things. A selfish person will always resent any cooperation. That resentment will never go away, it will only grow.

MegO, I am quite relieved your counseling session went well. This will be a difficult time for you. You may still have some down days for the next year or so. Always seek God’s grace and you will overcome the temptation to give into despair.
Men are not the only ones who can be clueless here. I desperetly wanted to save my marriage, but my (now ex-) wife left me and fled the country (with more than $5 million!).

while I do make say this with absolute certainty, I am beginning to think it all depends on whether the preson is inherently and deep down selfish and generous. Two generous people can overcome lots of things. A selfish person will always resent any cooperation. That resentment will never go away, it will only grow.

MegO, I am quite relieved your counseling session went well. This will be a difficult time for you. You may still have some down days for the next year or so. Always seek God’s grace and you will overcome the temptation to give into despair.
I am sorry I came across as gender specific. I have a lot of examples where men do know that marriage means “Leave and Cleave”.
Hope you are able to get through this difficult time. I can see that you are far further along than I was at this time as you have already accepted that the marriage is probably over as I still sometimes have difficulty doing so. God has given you immense strength and will bring good out of this.

I love this part because I believe that my calling is also to be a wife and a mom and although this was so short a period as a wife, I believe that God, in his infinite wisdom, wanted to teach me some fundamentals before going forward.
God will give me time to heal and then provide me with a holy spouse, one who will treat Grace and Jake as his own, who is loyal to the Church and all it’s teachings, someone who is mature and can truly lead a family. I don’t doubt for a minute that my calling remains to be a wife and mom and I still want a big family. I just have to trust God to provide that even if it isn’t with George…
I can see that you are far further along than I was at this time as you have already accepted that the marriage is probably over as I still sometimes have difficulty doing so.
I still have my moments. Every time the phone rings I find myself hoping it is him calling, begging for forgiveness and showing a true change of heart. I guess I still know that a miracle is possible, but in reality, it is probably the end. Like one of the PPs said, I will probably still have down days for quite some time. I just try to offer my suffering up for all married couples and those going through a situation similar to mine. It is comforting to know that God can make good from my pain.

Hopefully your husband showing some emotion as he was leaving will lead to him realizing that he needs to work on your marriage for the sake of your beautiful children.

You seem to be holding up well. I know from experience that this is a very tough time of year to be without your spouse.

God Bless,

It’s now getting to the point where I think I may have to at least file for divorce (even if I don’t go through with it) just to protect myself. George has been “wining and dining” this girl all over town, charging all kinds of things to our credit card. I’m talking dinners costing almost $100, etc. I need to make sure I won’t be responsible for any of the debt he is incurring, and since Texas doesn’t have legal separation, my only choice would be to actually file for divorce. I just wish he would stop thinking only of himself. I feel so bad for our babies.
**Are those credit cards joint accounts or his an authorized user on your credit card or vice versa?

If he’s an authorized user only i’d just call your credit card company and cancel him. Personally I would cancel all the cards and when he asks why just tell him you don’t want to be responsible for the debt he’s putting y’all into.

I do know Texas is a community property state which means you split everything 50-50. Or at least it used to be…

If you have any savings i would also make sure the bank requires 2 signatures for any withdrawels on the account so your husband can’t get money out with out you there.

I am sorry you are going through this but you need to protect yourself and get a lawyer and let the lawyer know that your husband is y’alls money on his new woman.

Is your husband still contributing to your household expenses? **
It’s now getting to the point where I think I may have to at least file for divorce (even if I don’t go through with it) just to protect myself. George has been “wining and dining” this girl all over town, charging all kinds of things to our credit card. I’m talking dinners costing almost $100, etc. I need to make sure I won’t be responsible for any of the debt he is incurring, and since Texas doesn’t have legal separation, my only choice would be to actually file for divorce. I just wish he would stop thinking only of himself. I feel so bad for our babies.
Cancel the credit cards right now - call the 1-800 number on the back for 24-hour service. Don’t get stuck with his New Year’s Eve bill.

Sorry if that seems harsh, but you really have to protect yourself while he’s behaving like this. (Besides, picture the dumb look on his face when the card gets declined, and he and “sweety pie” get to do dishes 'til dawn tomorrow night - or the look on her face when he makes her put that caviar and champagne dinner on her card. 😛 )
Cancel the credit cards right now - call the 1-800 number on the back for 24-hour service. Don’t get stuck with his New Year’s Eve bill.

Sorry if that seems harsh, but you really have to protect yourself while he’s behaving like this. (Besides, picture the dumb look on his face when the card gets declined, and he and “sweety pie” get to do dishes 'til dawn tomorrow night - or the look on her face when he makes her put that caviar and champagne dinner on her card. 😛 )
This is a very good point, I didn’t think about New Year’s Eve.
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