Then it is misunderstood by every writer who quotes from him that I have read in my post-graduate studies. And since his words in his lexicon are quite plain, I take his words for what they clearly mean.It must be that his lexicon is misunderstood. That’s logical.
Of course, Thayer is commenting on the NT double-plural usage of aion, which is not the Greek used in the OT passages you cite.
Then there’s Kittle’s scholarship, AT Roberston’s, Strong’s, and oh yes, Vine, which YOU misunderstood to be in agreement with you, much like you continue to insist upon with Thayer. I gotta go with the best scholarship available on this, and it insist against universalist claims. You may be fond of the minority scholarship, rejected by most Protestants, but I’m no more convince of it than I am of the Unitarian view, or all the other protestant protesting that continues to divide protestantism into every increasing denominations. Perhpas one day we’ll have have a Southern Universalist Baptist Church???