First, the idea of an eternal heaven does not logically require the idea of an eternal hell.
I’m not from Missouri, but you’ll have to show me why it doesn’t. We can ask questions, too.
Secondly, I tend not to look at heaven as a place of reward, but as the reality where God is taking all of creation. But I don’t want to get into that…as it is another issue.
This is an issue of your own construct. There is no argument against personal pet theological theories, since, by definition, there is no criteria, not even logic, to evaluate it. As an aside, if even your perception of the very *nature * of heaven and hell is not one that others can find common ground, this seriously impedes the entire conversation. If I’m giving someone directions, but their concept of what north, south, east and west differs from mine, I’m wasting my breath.
Regarding the authority issue, you’ll simply have to accept that for a long time I was a solid, orthodox, Catholic. When I was in college, I co-founded an apologetics organization defending the faith (at a huge secular college). I understand the issue of authority. And I do not wish to revert to Protestantism of any flavor. You are right, though. I deeply fear trusting in myself. I don’t want to reject the Church’s teaching on hell, but find that I may have no alternative.