Thank you for your encouragment and insights, and the time for your help. I admire people like you who submit to a higher purpose and will. If that doesn’t demonstrate humility and saintliness I don’t know what does.My heart bleeds with empathy for the pain you suffer right now. Right after I got serious about my faith, I experienced all kinds of doubts and this lasted for months. When a sudden doubt flashed into my mind about the existence of God, it was shivering, frightening hell on earth.
I went to my confessor, who told me this is very normal when we are growing spiritually and while faith is a virtue, it is also something we must practice. How do we practice it?
Well, there is one clue in your words. That is, you seem to be seeking understanding before you will accept it all as true. My dear friend, if you wait to believe in the Trinity until you can understand it, you will never believe. That is why it is a mystery.
I found after much reflection that some of my doubts were stemming from poor catechesis and a poor grasp of scripture. Growing up in the 70’s I had lousy catechism and was raised with the “I’m ok, your ok” mentality. There was no theology or true catechesis to create the foundation needed. Instead, I had a foundation built on sand. Once I realized that I had been very poorly catechized, I then figured my next move was to get myself catechized. But what happens when I stumble on something that is hard to understand or difficult to accept?
Some people will stop right there and form their own opinion based on their conscience. But conscience must be properly formed and when a book doesn’t do it, then we must find a well-formed priest. A confessor’s job is not only to absolve sin, but to help us form our conscience so frequent confession is one first step, along with frequent Mass beyond Sundays. There is a notion that “I must understand before I can follow this particular stand the church has taken”. This is backwards and it is something I gave up, all in faith and love for God. I developed a new attitude.
I promised God I would follow Catholic teaching, even on things that were difficult to follow, and asked him to give me the gift of understanding when I needed it. Many times I would struggle with something and I would ask him for help. But I would then leave it in His hands for Him to decide when He wanted to give me the understanding, not when I wanted it. I put my trust in His judgement in that regard.
I remember struggling hard with something and finally remembering that I needed to ask Him for help. It came, the very next day, as I stood in a crowded grocery store line - the light bulb went on big time. I had such an intimate grasp of the subject and it was sudden. I then knew what I had to research and would later find validation for what was infused in me that day and it was found in Catholic teaching. This has happened many, many times.
You are in my prayers. Practice the faith, while praying for the virtue. A good time to ask for faith is right before the Eucharistic Prayer. Ask the Blessed Mother to help you and then trust her to follow through in God’s time, not yours.
The Church teaches that people have free will to choose to accept or leave the faith and there is no coersion involved. Thats what I admire about Christianity and Catholicism in particular. Nobody has a gun to your back or are threatened with damnation if one doesn’t attend Mass or follow a certain teaching, though the Church does with charity make it clear there are consquences to be had if one doesn’t. I just wish folks like Libero could grasp this concept.
Faith is naturally a hard path for me to follow, as I have had many tough breaks in life. More than you could know in fact. And yes, I am and have been suffering in many ways, though mostly mental. Often its a challange for me to maintain any sense of sanity, and nervous breakdowns are often not far away. It sometimes comes to the point where I have to bail out of the situation I am in before I loose it totally. So yes, I think there is something psychological going on with me as well, maybe even a chemical imbalance in my brain that is causing my depression… But it could just as well be oppression from the evil one as well.
Though I will research and pursue other paths of help for me, both in my parish as well as medically. And thank you along with everyone else for taking a concern for me, that is what I think of being a true Christian. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for it, and thank you for your prayers.
God bless,