Super B:
We are saying that Jesus was not speaking literal, so therefore what Paul said is perfectly valid.
Can’t you see that your interpretation means that Paul not only sinned by calling himself “father” but then erroneously recorded it in Scripture rendering Scripture errant!
The bottom line is this, either Paul was wrong or Jesus wasn’t speaking literally.
Which one will you take?
The question is for you to answer, not for us; was Paul wrong to refer to himself as a “father” to Timothy or to refer to Timothy as his son? You are acting like either Jesus or Paul was wrong, when we both know that neigher of them were. If you think that what Jesus said in Mt. 23 meant that we cannot call earthly men father then by logical extension you believe that Paul was wrong to do just that.Sorry, I have been gone for a while. I did try to get here to post a response, but the site was down for some period.
The “B” in “Super B” does NOT stand for boy, thank you.
For one thing, Paul says “…For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.”, but does not command, advise, suggest, require, or in anyway state that it is OK to be called Father. Nor does he state in anyway, that he should be called Father. He refers to Timothy as his son (NIV I Corinthians 4:17: “17For this reason I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.”), & of course Timothy was not actually Pauls son in a physical sense.
Another thing, Jesus says in Matthew 23, “9And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.”. Jesus was speaking about the Pharisees & how they love to be seen & like to appear in important places of honor.
So I ask you, was Paul saying Jesus was wrong? Did Jesus somehow mis-speak? Did Jesus NOT mean what he said? Should we read into a comment by Paul that it is OK to CALL a man Father, & assume Jesus meant something other than what he said? I believe this is how we have come to have so many different “denominations”, because people want to interpret a statement made in the Bible as meaning something other than what was actually said.
No one on Earth is perfect. No one on Earth can trully comprehend & understand all the mysteries of God. God gave us his word (the bible) as a “handbook” for life. We New Testament Christians MAY be wrong about some things, but it is not from lack of studying or mis-interpreting what the word of God says. We take Gods word at face value & do not add to or take away from. So for me, Jesus states “call no man Father”, & that is what I will believe.
We are saying that Jesus was not speaking literal, so therefore what Paul said is perfectly valid.
Can’t you see that your interpretation means that Paul not only sinned by calling himself “father” but then erroneously recorded it in Scripture rendering Scripture errant!
The bottom line is this, either Paul was wrong or Jesus wasn’t speaking literally.
Which one will you take?