
Peter is the foundation of the Church in Matt.16. Jesus is the builder, Matt. 16:18. A builder does not build a building upon himself. He lays a foundation, then builds upon it.Peter is not the key,Jesus is. . GOD BLESS.
Jesus does give the power to bind and loose to all APOSTLES with Peter in Matt. 18:18, only PETER was given the “keys”. These events didn’t happen in a vacuum, read Is. 22:15-22. There was no NT when Jesus was making his pronouncements, as a faithful Jew he would have referred to events his audience, in this case, the apostles, would understand, the OT. The “key holder” in this passage was the prime minister, holding the keys under the King.
Is it a coincidence? Or shall we believe that the King of Kings knew what he was doing, in perfect knowledge of Is. 22, when giving the keys to Peter?
I hope this helps!!