Help needed with doubt and resentment

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I, too, struggle with a negative view of myself sometimes
It can feel more comfortable when we change the words of the greatest commandments to - dislike other people in the same way I dislike myself.
Eric, I would never have thought about it like that before, haha!
I find that fascinating 🙂 Would love to hear more if you could be bothered - here or in a private message - but no pressure.
My mother is a living saint. In all of my life, I have never seen her do an unkind thing to any person. She is the best Christian I’ve known. This lady grew up dirt poor, with an absent alcoholic father, she has every reason to have turned out as an angry person. Her love of Jesus is simply astounding, she reads the Bible through once a month and has done that for as long as I can remember.

Mom and Dad had become involved in the Charismatic movement of the 70’s which cuddled up with the Copeland Hagen Prosperity Gospel.

When mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, there were people from this movement who came to pray with her. After awhile, when she was not “healed”, they actually told her that she did not have enough faith. If she had better quality faith, she would be healed.

I was 16 at the time. That was the beginning of the end for me. Thank GOD I stumbled across some writings of the early Church Fathers, writings of CS Lewis, and began to know that there is much more to Christianity than “I claimed that Cadillac and three days later a stranger walked up and handed me the keys” or “I rebuke that demon out of my car engine” or “do not claim that sore throat”.

If God gives my mom cancer because her faith is not good enough, I want no part of that capricious sort of God. God is not small and petty.

God speaks through His Church. God allows the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. God heals our soul from sin, the pain in our bodies works toward the good of all the Church and our own sanctification.
Thank you for sharing - I’m sorry to hear that this happened to your mother. She sounds like a beautiful person and a testimony to how Jesus/the Bible really can transform people. I’m glad you did not lose your faith. 🙂

Yes, sometimes God is depicted as being a bit petty/formulaic and showing favouritism - but as you say, He shows grace to all of us. The mind boggles!
Hello again 🙂
The Church understands that these “agents” are the Bishops and Priests of the Church. Anyone attempting these things without the express permission of his/her Bishop is “going rogue”.

It is all about authority and knowing where we fit in chain of command.
I thought of your post when I was at Mass today, because the Gospel reading (from Luke 10) was about Jesus sending out the 72. In that passage, Jesus told them to “heal the sick who are there”. Now, obviously, they have been given permission by Jesus Himself - a higher level of authority than even a bishop - but I guess I’m a still bit confused about the levels of power that the 72 have as opposed to the 12 apostles, and how that relates to subsequent Christians including us today.

I imagine that the 12 are the original bishops, who - along with the tasks of evangelising, healing, exorcising, etc - were given the authority in John 20 to forgive and retain sins by the power of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus breathes onto them… or were there in fact more than 12 that received this commissioning?

I’m still pretty influenced by my Pentecostal friends who say that they have the authority to do these things in Jesus’ name - not to mention the fact that it actually seems to work, with real healings and changes in people’s lives (though admittedly not every time). I know it probably sounds ridiculous, but it makes me have some doubt over whether apostolic succession is as linear and important as the Church suggests, or whether Jesus bestows these things on His followers in general (in the same way that when He gave Mary to John at the cross, He was supposedly giving her to all Christians). That said, even that doesn’t sit well with me, because I wouldn’t presume to be able to do this stuff (and I am talking more about healings here; I know I can’t forgive sins!), for reasons beyond me simply not having enough faith…

Not sure if that makes sense. I guess it still doesn’t solve the question of authority of the church to bind and loose, and the fact that there is still a line between ecclesial authority (as @DeSales111 said) and laity. Maybe I just need to stop worrying about this and focus on the Eucharist! 🙂
God does grant the gift of preaching to lay persons, however, this is something that we discern with the help of our pastor and or a spiritual advisor. If we focus on the Eucharist, on Jesus, on our prayer life, on good works, and growing in Faith, should God call you or me, He will provide the access to the authority to do so.
Fair enough - thank you 🙂 I’ve gotta keep the main things, the main things!
Thank you 🙂 I saw this one a while back - I enjoy Fr Mike’s videos!
Will have to re-watch and see if something new strikes me, as it’s been a while and maybe I wasn’t fully ready for it!
Aussie Girl ,

Please do not distress yourself any longer.
Humans created the word RELIGION and many will teach different insights. God NEVER created religion in NO scripture is this written.

Ask yourself this ?

Do we believe in one God ?
Do we fear God ?
Do we try to treat our neighbour as we treat ourselves ?

If yes to all those three answers we are already close to the Living Lord.

Sometimes we see others given much . But these are earthly things I assume you mention ?

The wealth of the Lord is giving not receiving. Life’s one big test and all we can do is our best.

I am a catholic and never miss an obligation day and pray 30-40mins every day. If I do miss mass I will go to confession.

But I would be happy to worship in any church regardless of their teachings. Remember the door is open to all…
Your response resonates so well with me that I hardly know how to respond.

I am interested in knowing if you intended to communicate that humans not only created the word RELIGION but also have created RELIGION out of the teaching of God.

Would you be open to including one more question into your group of three? I would submit asking : Do you believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God sent into the world to give everlasting life to those who believe in Him?

Hope to see more from you.
Thank you for your kind words. My wisdom does not belong to me. I only ask with an open heart and he tells me.

Regarding your question yes Jesus is the Messiah who is one with the Father and Holy giving Spirit.

Example ;

Father =1 , Son = 1 , Holy Spirit = 1 , God = 1. All separate but are one. Not (1+1+1=3)

It’s impossible to explain really and many have tried.

I just think God tries to show us who he is by using basic human elements.
Wannano ,

regarding religion as a WORD or as a PRACTICE he has told me many times in deep though (and also told me off !! )

To keep things simple and not to complicate things. By simply loving Him above everything and not allowing anyone or anything to come between us.

I can tell you now I have failed putting the Lord above all. All I can do is ask for forgiveness as we never know when he will come. And try not to beat ourselves up spiritually.

If that makes any sense.
I have followed CAF for three years and feel I have a basic understanding of Catholicism. One huge thing I ponder is how one can be Catholic and formulate a personal belief in all the Church dictates and still keep it simple and uncomplicated without resorting to complacency.

Please understand that I present this without any polemical intent.
Hi @Wannano and @englands123

Thanks for your responses.

Yes, my non-Catholic Christian friends will say things like “Christianity is not supposed to be a religion, but a relationship”. I definitely believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. For me, it’s just about trying to find out how best to follow Him and the full truth of the Gospel - and if the Lord meant for us to live out the Catholic practices and sacraments, then I will have to follow them. I do agree, though, that a relationship with God - a desire and effort to know Him personally and to please Him out of love - is the most sustainable way to go about one’s faith journey, though, rather than “following the rules” for their own sake.
I do agree, though, that a relationship with God - a desire and effort to know Him personally and to please Him out of love - is the most sustainable way to go about one’s faith journey,
Mathew 25 helps me to understand how we come to love an invisible God we have never met.

34 “Then the King will say to those at His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in. 36 I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 And when did we see You sick or in prison and come to You?’

40 “The King will answer, ‘Truly I say to you, as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you have done it for Me.’
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