If someone took a hack-saw and chopped off your arm, then left you to die because you were disfigured, how would you feel? Would you struggle with baggage because this person left you as “damaged goods?” Would your wife be justified in feeling angst toward this person? Would she be concerned that you felt less worthy of her because of this disfigurement?
Because there are issues regarding this your fiance is keeping to himself, you are not in the position to reach the conclusion that she hack-sawed his arm and left him to die.
First, you were not part of the situation so you
know nothing. Reflect on that for a little bit, really. You only know bits and pieces and you also know he hasn’t told you everything which is why you are trying to get the information out of the woman involved.
This is your real issue: he is not telling you everything and that bugs the heck out of you, it makes you insecure, and hard to trust him completely. But also know that pushing him to tell you everything about this particular situation isn’t the solution to that underlying problem. As the other poster noted, he may have to do that with other Catholic men and his priest…he
is not obliged to reveal
all to you about his past relationship. Reflect on that for a moment as well.
That leaves you with facing your own issues knowing he is not obliged to reveal everything to you. It’s a matter of trust. Being able to trust completely that if it is an issue between the two of you he will turn to you…that is something the two of you build at the engaged encounter and reinforce at FOCCUS, but continue to work on daily in your married life.
Next, the wife would
not be justified in feeling angst for that person. You, as a Catholic, are called to release any angst toward another human being to God. You’ve got to learn how to rise above that, it takes time, prayer, and patience, but you must make it a goal for yourself.
This is what she did to my fiance emotionally. We may have the ability to choose our attitude, but feelings are involuntary- that’s one of the first things they taught us at the weekend for the engaged.
Whatever emotions your fiance is carrying regarding this past relationship are
his. No one makes another person feel anything, we allow ourselves to feel certain ways about others. You can’t hurt me if I don’t allow you to. My instant human reaction would be to be hurt at first, that’s normal…but allowing that hurt to last beyond a few hours, days or weeks - that’s on
me, no longer on you. I’m the one who has to find a way to get past the hurt. So it is with your fiance. Stop blaming the ex for his issues. They are his and his alone at this point.
I realize it does no one any good to harbor hatred, and I admit that it is a problem in this situation. Maybe, just maybe, that’s why I decided to post here about my issues to get some ideas on how to cultivate a more mature, Christian attitude
I hope we’re helping. I’m certainly trying.