HIV, AIDS cases rise among U.S. gay, bisexual men

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I’m not shying away from a fight. I can hardly consider arguing w/ someone with ADD a “fight.” :rolleyes:
You’re not shying away from a fight. You’re running away from it. I have yet to see Ann Coulter run away. Maybe you have a future as a bishop? On the other hand, I suppose most of them waddle away.
Be giving them the how to’s on how to have sex. Teaching them how to put condoms on bananas, telling them that oral sex may be a way to avoid pregnancy, telling them it’s natural and good to masturbate, etc. Need I go further?
I can see where cultural influences can work against a message of abstinence; it’s not a cultural value. But how does sex education in the schools work against the abstinence message?
monica fan:
Be giving them the how to’s on how to have sex. Teaching them how to put condoms on bananas, telling them that oral sex may be a way to avoid pregnancy, telling them it’s natural and good to masturbate, etc. Need I go further?
To make a case that sex ed undermines an abstinence message, I’d say you do have to go further.

Does simple information undermine a message about how to deal with such information? If one is told to abstain, from what are they to abstain? Unless the information is provided, a message of abstinence means little.

I doubt it is possible to keep the information secret. We might say a broad choice is between information coming from friends, and information coming from sex ed. There is no option of keeping the information secret.

I am amazed that some parents think kids won’t learn about how to engage in sexual relations if it is kept out of the schools. If that’s correct, then these parents have the dumbest kids on the planet.

As you said, the culture encourages sex. But the outlets that encourage it don’t transmit accurate and complete information. Sex ed in schools is a counterbalance to the incomplete and inaccurate information provided by the rest of the culture

Accurate information is always preferable to faulty information.
Since this thread has been reduced to bickering, is it now closed. Thank you for your participation in the discussion.
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