The approach now is to ensure a spread of accommodation across the city: individual homes and apartments that are innocuous and embedded amongst private residences, blending into the cityscape and minimising excess impacts to one neighbourhood.
This is, IMO, the best way to deal with homelessness among those who are not mentally-ill or criminals.
And this is a solution that would allow many Christians who own rental property to get involved in a very tangible and up-close-and-personal way.
I’ve described my brother here on CAF many times, but because I believe so strongly in what he does to help the poor, I’ll describe it again in hopes that others here who own rental properties will consider doing what he does (if they aren’t already doing it);
My brother owns around 40 rental properties across Northern Illinois. He seeks out renters who are decent (not addicted to anything or involved with crime), hard-working people who are willing to do some work around the property in exchange for a substantial reduction in the rent.
He finds these renters through his own ability to strike up conversations and “read” people, and also through the recommendations of trusted friends. He doesn’t advertise–he doesn’t have to! Often his renters will tell their friends about my brother, and that’s how he finds renters.
The renters do things like mow the lawn (saving my brother time and money), paint, heavy clean, simple remodeling, simple repairs, planting/maintaining shrubs and flower gardens, etc. He also encourages them to call repair people and arrange complex repairs rather than calling him and making him do this kind of work–they just have to send him the estimate and then the bill.
In exchange, they are charged dream rents; e.g., $500/month for three bedroom, full basement, two-car garage HOUSES in safe, good school neighborhoods.
These low rents enable the renter to actually SAVE money towards a house of their own (or use the extra money for private school, music lessons for kids, sports for kids, family vacations or activities, etc., as well for the obvious–food, clothing, auto, etc.
My brother isn’t losing any money. He always charges enough rent to pay for the unconscionable property taxes that are burdening all of Illinois. He has other jobs, mainly welding/mechanic, and he also buys and sell various profitable items and materials (e.g., copper wire). Plus, all the properties are fully paid-off, so he doesn’t worry about mortgage payments. He lives a very simple life; in fact, he lives with an elderly lady who is happy to provide him with room and board in exchange for having a strong man living in her house, doing hard work and repairs, and occasionally taking her to a flea market or shopping trip.
He also lives a very generous life, gladly giving gifts to people he loves, helping out relatives and friends who run into financial woes, donating to charities that he supports (e.g., a local wild animal shelter that rehabs injured wildlife), etc.
To me, this is true Christianity straight out of I Thessalonians 4: 10-12!