Sure I’ll stay on topic. This was about a guy bragging that he is attracted to both women and men. As for logical fallacies, it can’t be both if we’re talking about morality, or to bring in the urban myth that all they want to do is live quietly with one partner. It can’t be monogamous is a guy is married and wants to have fun on the side.
A certain famous conductor who died almost 30 years ago paraded this publicly until is wife got fed up and divorced him. It’s no secret, happens all the time and he could have easily infected her.
This is only commonsense without statistics in a culture that is admittedly promiscuous.
But if you want statistics, you can have them too: “‘Men who engage in sex both with men and women can acquire HIV from a male partner and then transmit the virus to female partners,’ the Centers for Disease Control said…Men still account for eight in 10 of the new cases, mostly transmitted through unprotected gay sex."
This is the weird part:
“Many studies have gathered supporting evidence that lesbians and WSW engage in sexual activity with men. 85% of WSW reported having sex with men, according a study in American Journal of Public Health (Bailey, 2007). In general, WSW are more likely to engage in sexual activity with a bisexual or gay man (Dworkin, 2005). In LAP’s experience, some lesbians who have sex with gay or bisexual men do so, in part, because they feel safer with a man who also has same-sex attractions or behaviors.”
It’s a sick culture that cannot be rationalized away or honey poured over its bitterness. I have witnessed it personally and as much as I can feel pity and compassion I do not want this lifestyle to be promoted as normal because it isn’t.