The only reason I am so direct on this matter is because too many people attempt to sell the Episcopalian Church (here in the USA) as sort of a “Catholic Lite” and that can be quite confusing to many.OK, Crusader. I give you points for technical correctness. But you ignore the continuum of belief which makes YOU closer in doctrine to our Anglo-Catholic brethren than to half the people in your congregation. There are a lot of “protestants” sitting in Catholic pews and a lot of “catholics” standing at the threshold of the Church. I speak as a Convert from the Episcopal Church. Without the spectrum of belief and practice in the Episcopal Church, I doubt that I could have made the journey from anti-Catholic to Catholic-tolerant, to practicing ‘catholic’ to Catholic.
A few months ago, a bishop asked me how long I had been Catholic. I was about to tell him that I converted in 2001 – but the lightbulb went on in my head, and I gave him the “true” answer: “I was Catholic in all but name: doctrine, discipline, practice for 25 years. I was received into the Church (yes: THE Church) in 2001.”
Few Catholics would suggest Lutherans are Catholic (even though I believe many are closer to being Catholic than the Episcopalians) but many seem to have been sold the line that Episcopalians are somehow “Catholic” and the results might be most grave…