"homosexual person" myth or Truth

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Experiences are temporal. One may experience exclusively SSA, for a period, perhaps a lengthy period. And at some future time, perhaps following a life-changing event, perhaps following spiritual intervention, one finds attraction to the opposite sex emerge. Who can say how events may develop for an individual? You seem to think the Church takes a stand against such a turn of events. Nonsense.
Yes that is the unfounded foundation of their belief.

The Church is simply not teaching any such thing.

The Church is simply applying moral teaching.

I could claim that I only experience happiness by stealing from others.

The Church would apply the moral teachings to my experience.

She would tell me that such is a disordered experience and tell me not to steal and to work for my living etc.

By doing so the Church would not be saying that it is not possible for me to experience happiness in not stealing or in working - absolutely not.

The Church though apply moral teachings to my experience here and now - and help me avoid theft etc.

Likewise the Church is simply** not **teaching that it is not possible for a person who only experiences SSA to ever experience OSA. Absolutely not.

That is not how the Church works and not what she is teaching. She is teaching about mortality not medical science or psychology etc. Morality. Hence it is in the moral section of the CCC.
Not sure what you are referring to I found an article by
Such is NOT an something to be following. That is not an approved Catechism and does not give a correct understanding of the Church’s Teachings. Catechisms are to be approved by the Church -this one is not.
Here is the CCC section on Chastity and homosexuality ( vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s2c2a6.htm ) :

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

Here the Magisterium claims a group of people experience an exclusive SSA the claim is
clear, unambiguous and false.

God bless
Now that is the correct Catechism of the Catholic Church. That one we follow.

Your again though misunderstanding what is being taught there and not taught there.

What is the Church Teaching?

The Church is apply moral teaching to persons who experience SSA.

Does anyone out there in the world claim to experience only SSA?


How do we know? They tell us.

And then what?

No one can say “hey do not do experience this” or “hey you do experience that” such is the nature of subjective experience. On earth -only the person knows what they experience or not.

And the Church must apply moral teaching for them based on their reported experience. No one can say “hey the moral teaching does not apply to me cause that is the only experience I know”.* It applies and that is the point of the CCC.*

Does that mean that they per se that objectively will never be able to experience OSA?


What is the Church teaching there?

About morality.

Is the Church there claiming that those persons who say they experience only SSA could never overcome this and experience OSA?


The Church is making no such claim or teaching.


The Church is teaching about morality.

What if I experienced only an attraction to theft to make my living?

What would the Church teach me?

That theft is disordered and that no matter what I experience subjectively I am not to engage in theft or consent to it.


Now would the Church then mean that I could not ever experience an attraction for work and justice?

Absolutely not.

The Church is not getting into such questions.

The Church would simply be applying Christian morality to my claimed experience. etc.

No such ontological or empirical or medical claims.

Moral teaching.
Experiences are temporal. One may experience exclusively SSA, for a period, perhaps a lengthy period. And at some future time, perhaps following a life-changing event, perhaps following spiritual intervention, one finds attraction to the opposite sex emerge. Who can say how events may develop for an individual? You seem to think the Church takes a stand against such a turn of events. Nonsense.
Yes that is the unfounded foundation of their belief.

The Church is simply not teaching any such thing.

The Church is simply applying moral teaching.

I could claim that I only experience happiness by stealing from others.

The Church would apply the moral teachings to my experience.

She would tell me that such is a disordered experience and tell me not to steal and to work for my living etc.

By doing so the Church would not be saying that it is not possible for me to experience happiness in not stealing or in working - absolutely not.

The Church though apply moral teachings to my experience here and now - and help me avoid theft etc.

Likewise the Church is simply** not **teaching that it is not possible for a person who only experiences SSA to ever experience OSA. Absolutely not.

That is not how the Church works and not what she is teaching. She is teaching about mortality not medical science or psychology etc. Morality. Hence it is in the moral section of the CCC…
Yes that is the unfounded foundation of their belief.

The Church is simply not teaching any such thing.

The Church is simply applying moral teaching.

I could claim that I only experience happiness by stealing from others.

The Church would apply the moral teachings to my experience.

She would tell me that such is a disordered experience and tell me not to steal and to work for my living etc.

By doing so the Church would not be saying that it is not possible for me to experience happiness in not stealing or in working - absolutely not.

The Church though apply moral teachings to my experience here and now - and help me avoid theft etc.

Likewise the Church is simply** not **teaching that it is not possible for a person who only experiences SSA to ever experience OSA. Absolutely not.

That is not how the Church works and not what she is teaching. She is teaching about mortality not medical science or psychology etc. Morality. Hence it is in the moral section of the CCC…
I continue to observe the posts to which jjr9 does not respond (meaningfully). He is so firmly attached to his thesis, he cannot bear to countenance an argument that exposes its error. Like a drug addict who cannot make the choice to enter rehab - for that means separation from one’s closest attachment.
I continue to observe the posts to which jjr9 does not respond (meaningfully). He is so firmly attached to his thesis, he cannot bear to countenance an argument that exposes its error. Like a drug addict who cannot make the choice to enter rehab - for that means separation from one’s closest attachment.
Exactly and its time we move on because he actually types the teaching of the Church and then denies the teaching of the Church. ITs time to move on and let him think what he wants. This is nothing left to say. God Bless
Mods may wish to close this thread given the thread creator simply repeats a thesis and does not confront contrary argument.
Do you believe that everyone that engages in homosexual activity have a moral disorder and have always felt this way?

But I can say from a personal view I don’t get it. I believe alot of it is drugs and people trying to find happiness in all the wrong places. Again my personal belief. Or if someone has a breakup and then this situation comes up they think what the heck, try it, forgetting or could care less if it is a sin. And that I do not believe is a disorder as far as having the constant need, but a disorder because it wrong.
Being gay or engaging in gay sex has nothing to do with using drugs or having been jilted in a previous straight relationship and then deciding to try something “new” for the fun of it. :rolleyes:
Earlier I posed the following,
Actually jjr9 only posted 47 times on this thread (which is still a lot of course). Other posters have contributed hundreds of posts that attempt to help jjr9, but I don’t see jjr changing his views. So I have to wonder what jjr has done to earn himself so much attention. Hmmm.
It occurs to me that a good follow up would be, how many posters like this thread because it’s an opportunity to heap abuse on homosexual persons?
Being gay or engaging in gay sex has nothing to do with using drugs or having been jilted in a previous straight relationship and then deciding to try something “new” for the fun of it. :rolleyes:
Strange and how you hear how people who are addicted to drugs with have encounters with the same sex without being gay just to get their fix. 🤷
…It occurs to me that a good follow up would be, how many posters like this thread because it’s an opportunity to heap abuse on homosexual persons?
I don’t follow you. There’s no evidence of those responding to this thread heaping abuse.
Strange and how you hear how people who are addicted to drugs with have encounters with the same sex without being gay just to get their fix. 🤷
What does this demonstrate? That people will go to great lengths to satisfy a drug craving?
What does this demonstrate? That people will go to great lengths to satisfy a drug craving?
Exactly what I am saying, as you said drugs have nothing to do with engaging in gay sex, I disagree.
I don’t follow you. There’s no evidence of those responding to this thread heaping abuse.
I totally agree. We are taught to love them respect and pray for them.

Love the sinner Hate the SIN taught from St John Paul ll himself.
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