This maybe will help. A lot of what he’s asserting sounds similar.I don’t know about that but he has a definite aversion to any notion of natural law, scientific or moral. The old Catholic Encyclopedia has a nice discussion on natural law which does justice to Thomas and contrasts his notion with other notions.
Here’s what else he had to say(and please pardon his frank language):
It is true that Aristotle spoke of woman as a misbegotten man. But woman was no “accident” but was intended by the nature. The thought being that like produces like, the man is the active principle, so his generative power naturally inclines toward creating another male, but sometimes, instead, something else happens, e.g. certain environmental conditions, that cause a female to be produced instead. This is no accident, but is intended by nature. It is only “misbegotten” in the sense that there is a natural tendency of the male generative power to produce male.
We now know, of course, that the natural tendency of the generative power (of which the male part still stand as act to the potency of the female) is to produce female, and that it is only the intervention of androgens that divert the development to male
None of that has anything whatsoever to do with whether homosexuality is sinful or not.
Aquinas also didn’t “conclude” anything about “heterosexual sex” he concluded things about sex. See the difference? And of course the male organ is made to go into the female and not an anus or mouth. That is just mind blowingly obvious. And of course semen ejaculated is meant as a vehicle to get sperm to the eggs and fertilize one. That is why it is alkaline based!
It doesn’t take a rocket science to realize that sex is by nature procreative. It is more than that. Just as eating is by nature ordered to nutrition, even if it is more than that. It is just obvious, and only the wicked heart rails against obvious reality, in order to convict itself of sin.
And why is it a moral imperative not to use these faculties for other things, to the exclusion of such designed purposes? Because we are men, and our nature demands the rational apprehension and pursuit of our natural end, which means we must order our lower faculties to rational ends. It is not wrong to eat for pleasure or have sex for pleasure, per se. It is wrong to eat for pleasure to the detriment of eating for life, because that violates the natural inclinations and due end of human nature (here it is self preservation!).
Now take homosexual acts compared to actual sex (see what I did there?). In one case, you are performing an act with the organs of two persons, male and female, which are designed to go together to do this act. We call that act sex. Whether or not the sex leads to a child, or even whether it is likely to (say the couple is old and past child bearing years), what they are doing is still sex. But a man who puts his organ (in some place other than what it was designed for) is not sex. He is pursuing sexual pleasure in an act that is not sex, but only like to it in a superficial way. Whereas the sterile couple is doing something that is by nature procreative, the homosexual is not.
We can go further, that the common life, the unitive aspect of sex and all that is for the sake of the family. Heck the very hormones released in sex are meant to form bonds that are marital and ordered to family, which is for the sake of children by design.