Just as a disclaimer, I am in no way particularly knowledgeable of philosophical theory or study, outside of what I read on these forums. I’m just offering my (name removed by moderator)ut for some of the posts brought up in this thread.
I feel as though a lot of miscommunication is circulating due to a lack of understanding of the general Catholic interpretation of words, and I would like to try to clarify this for the sake of furthering the discussion.
Inocente’s position (correct me if I am wrong) seems to be that two men/two women can love each other as a man and woman can love each other, and that these instances of love are all equally valid. Expanding on that train of thought, each of these instances of mutual love are inalienable in the sense that it is wrong for an external force to forbid or otherwise force the two consenting individuals from expressing the affection and respect they have for each other.
Please don’t feel as if I’m putting words into your mouth, this is just how I (and presumably others) interpreted your opinion on the topic.
To summarize the Church’s position on homosexuality vs. homosexual acts, the Church holds that homosexual acts are inherently sinful, along with masturbation, contraception, adultery, fornication, etc. as they do not and can not in and of themselves result in procreation between a man and woman validly married to one another. The Church teaches, as mentioned earlier, that sexual acts are permitted only between a married couple. Married couple being defined as two members of the opposite sex bound in holy matrimony.
Homosexuals, on the other hand, are not condemned as they are neither sins nor actions. They are humans and the Church teaches that they are to be treated with the same dignity and respect as any other human. Homosexuals are humans who are sexually attracted to members of their own sex.
Back to my interpretation of your position, I would agree with you in the position that a man can love another man, woman another woman, etc. based upon the Catholic understanding of the word love. What needs to be clarified is that, to Catholic understanding, love does not imply or necessitate sexual relations between people, nor does a loving bond between two people condone or excuse sexual relations between them. Catholic teaching is that sexual relations are permitted only between a husband and wife, and that sexual union is driven by the marital love between them.
I hope I’m not distorting anything or saying anything untrue, so please correct me if I did.
I feel as though a lot of miscommunication is circulating due to a lack of understanding of the general Catholic interpretation of words, and I would like to try to clarify this for the sake of furthering the discussion.
Inocente’s position (correct me if I am wrong) seems to be that two men/two women can love each other as a man and woman can love each other, and that these instances of love are all equally valid. Expanding on that train of thought, each of these instances of mutual love are inalienable in the sense that it is wrong for an external force to forbid or otherwise force the two consenting individuals from expressing the affection and respect they have for each other.
Please don’t feel as if I’m putting words into your mouth, this is just how I (and presumably others) interpreted your opinion on the topic.
To summarize the Church’s position on homosexuality vs. homosexual acts, the Church holds that homosexual acts are inherently sinful, along with masturbation, contraception, adultery, fornication, etc. as they do not and can not in and of themselves result in procreation between a man and woman validly married to one another. The Church teaches, as mentioned earlier, that sexual acts are permitted only between a married couple. Married couple being defined as two members of the opposite sex bound in holy matrimony.
Homosexuals, on the other hand, are not condemned as they are neither sins nor actions. They are humans and the Church teaches that they are to be treated with the same dignity and respect as any other human. Homosexuals are humans who are sexually attracted to members of their own sex.
Back to my interpretation of your position, I would agree with you in the position that a man can love another man, woman another woman, etc. based upon the Catholic understanding of the word love. What needs to be clarified is that, to Catholic understanding, love does not imply or necessitate sexual relations between people, nor does a loving bond between two people condone or excuse sexual relations between them. Catholic teaching is that sexual relations are permitted only between a husband and wife, and that sexual union is driven by the marital love between them.
I hope I’m not distorting anything or saying anything untrue, so please correct me if I did.