All of us who say
live and let live on this eventually get called insincere, dishonest, dumb and unChristian by one person or another. It seems that when it comes down to the wire, the only decent argument you guys have is peer pressure, while we are expected to work our way through a confused labyrinth of faulty
a priori reasoning based on denial of evolution and evidence, verse mining from scripture, and a medieval take on reproduction as magic and of humans as machines.
There is no proper sexual function willed by God. Hundreds of millions of people are harmed by homophobia. They deserve better than a confused fence-sitting theology which purports to know what God wants, and which places that narrow ideology before their needs.
Dance upon injustice. Live and let live.
Part of this thread’s purpose is to try to establish a series of logical proofs for the reasoning behind the Catholic Church’s teachings on homosexual activity (not to be confused with homosexuality, referring to same-sex attraction, which is different). One is action, one is a presumably unchangeable facet of a person’s self.
Also, I would say that to claim the natural law argument against homosexual behavior is denial of evolution is false. If going strictly by evolutionary principles, homosexual actions are evolutionarily disadvantageous. If every human couple were homosexual, there would be no more human children, and no generations past the current hypothetical one would be born. Homosexual acts in humans cannot be used for reproduction; only heterosexual acts are capable of creating offspring. My overall point being, if Adam and Eve had been homosexual, they would still have been able to have children together. However, if Adam was a man and Eve was actually Evan, there would be no human life past the two of them.
For the record, I am not a creationist, so I try to avoid denying evolution as a general rule.
Furthermore, the purpose of the original proof was, if I’m not mistaken, to provide a framework for a natural law argument, without relying on scriptural references as evidence. One argument being that the reason scriptural sources claim homosexual actions are immoral are based on natural law to begin with.
Also I hope the humans being machines comment wasn’t a reference to any of my posts. I had intended to make the point that humans aren’t just machines, but given how wordy I tend to get, I totally understand if I was unclear. Also I haven’t read my posts in a few days, so I can’t remember exactly what I said. My apologies if I just read myself into that.
I agree that homophobia causing harm to even one person is one person too many. But I wouldn’t say that the Church’s stance is sitting on the fence on the issue. Either the Church is right and homosexual acts are immoral (again for clarification, not
being homosexual), or the opposition is right and God doesn’t care one way or another. But remaining abstinent one’s whole life isn’t bad or unhealthy, just difficult, and if the possibility is that a lack of chastity can endanger one’s soul, the Church has a duty to at the very least inform people of what is right and wrong, based on the evidence we have. Sex isn’t really a need, it’s a really strong urge.