That’s the Taliban argument - you have the ear of God and I must follow you. Or else what? You bully me? You consign me to hell?
As I think I told you before, you are not the Shepherd, you are just another sheep.
Your head does not get to dictate what is written on other peoples’ hearts. That’s the whole point of God giving each of us a conscience. Or is that theology too simple for one so sophisticated as your good self?
Live And Let Live Rides Again. Volume #2.
The problem with ambiguous statements is that they can be trivially true but when the terms are spelled out clearly their truth value is severely curtailed.
The injunction (if taken as such) to “live” in “Live and let live,” must mean, if it is to mean anything, something like, “Live a fully human life.” That would assume that since humans are rational and moral agents, “live…” entails living a rational and moral existence. In which case, the statement can be taken roughly to mean: ”Live a rational and morally good human life and let others do the same."
The non-trivial implications begin to raise their ugly heads when “Live…” is taken to mean whatever the hearer wants it to mean. Thus, to some, the injunction "live…” could mean, “live whatever kind of existence - human, inhuman or otherwise - that you want and allow others to do the same.”
To a Viking marauder, your “moral principle” version of the injunction essentially gives him the freedom to rape and pillage and allow his fellow compatriots (and everyone else) to do everything and anything up to and including raping and pillaging. He is following “live and let live” to the letter precisely because his definition of “live” entails a certain kind of existence - the life of a Viking warrior.
Again the problem with such an ambiguous and open-ended statement taken as a moral principle is that it will endorse every kind of life and standard of behaviour engaged in by human beings. As a moral principle, at best, it is totally unhelpful because it will endorse every lifestyle, at worst it is downright pernicious because it will endorse every lifestyle.
In short, if you wish to use a principle that sanctions murder, raping and all kinds of abuse as the principle upon which to base approval of a gay lifestyle, be my guest, but be prepared because you have, ipso facto, endorsed any and every other lifestyle imaginable by human beings.
If you wish to ride the “Live and Let Live” bus again (pardon me while I get off at this stop) I am letting you know it has no brakes and will end up in a tangled fiery heap at the bottom of the first steep hill it attempts to maneuver. Keep in mind that I did try to warn you. From here on it is at your own risk that you “ride again.”
I sincerely doubt that the Pope will be joining you, but I leave that up to him (and not you) to decide for himself.