Sounds like you need to do some research.No. It is the teaching of the Church that the Ten Commandments are a part of the Natural Law, but in the moral sphere. In other words, morality is based on the way God has created our human psychology.
As I just said, the moral law is an extension of the Natural Law. I can’t help what " popular " universidy classes teach. They do not determine what the natural law means in the moral sphere, God does.
CCC 1954 …] The natural law is written and engraved in the soul of each and every man, because it is human reason ordaining him to do good and forbidding him to sin
Thomas’ natural law philosophy is aimed at exposing the way it’s determined by human reason.
Sounds like you need to do some research.I don’t know that the golden rule has anything to do with it, but yes God tells us all what we must do to please me. I don’t see the meaning of your distinction here. Everyone is morally obliged to follow the Natural, Moral Law.
CCC 1970: The Law of the Gospel requires us to make the decisive choice between “the two ways” and to put into practice the words of the Lord. It is summed up in the Golden Rule, “Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; this is the law and the prophets.”
*I have given you the answer, look it up. I want you to see what the Church says. But as far as certain laws the Old Testament contained, Christ said some were laws of men which no longer applied.
You still sidestepped. You said to me “Surely you aren’t saying the scriptures condone sex which intends to avoid the production of children, or in which that result would be impossible?” and I asked where is the commandment. Where’s the commandment, can’t you find it?I didn’t sidstep the issue. I wanted you to go to the proper section of the Catechism and read it for yourself. Just look at the bottom of this page and you will find a link to the Catechism. It won’t bite you.*
It’s not an especially good justification to say that because public schools do things then you should too (reductio ad absurdum: other people rape and pillage so why shouldn’t you).What in the world are you talking about? Here is what I said, " You did notice I said " age appropriate " instruction - which is something public schools care nothing about by the way, they expose children as young as 5 to every perversity before they can hardly think. But to the point, it never hurt me or any of the kids I went to school with, so your fear is unfounded. And if you were worried you would certainly keep your kids out public schools. " Please explain how your response is realated to what I said.
Anecdotes about what you see in a public setting tell us nothing whatsoever about depression.The Scripture you mentined is read at Mass on a regular four year cycle along with much of the Scriptures. So far I haven’t seen any one, young or old, faint away in the pews. Of course the accompanying sermon does not get into gory details. Would you rather the young girl you have in mind loose her soul because the Church neglected to inform her what God expected of us? A very strange attitude.
*'It was “the Catholic psychiatric hospitals, facing a great number of severely depressed homosexual patients, who started to raise their voices against discrimination” explains Laurent Chambon, a French sociologist living in Amsterdam, by phone to euronews.
For Chambon, this progressive position taken by Dutch Catholics differs from the official Catholic Church view on the matter, because of the Catholics’ minority status in the Netherlands. “They are a minority and thus tend to be more progressive, similarly to the Jewish minority.”’ - Reflecting on 12 years of gay marriage in the Netherlands*
PS: sorry for late reply, ran out of time yesterday.