homosexuality and the devil

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A CNN story of a gay teenage girl from Georgia who killed her friend’s grandparents so that they could “be together”. this is a good example of how homosexuality frequently leads to diabolical acts.
oat soda:
A CNN story of a gay teenage girl from Georgia who killed her friend’s grandparents so that they could “be together”. this is a good example of how homosexuality frequently leads to diabolical acts.
Now, I don’t agree at all with homosexuality, but how can you equate that homosexuality leads to a homicide?
Now, I don’t agree at all with homosexuality, but how can you equate that homosexuality leads to a homicide?
Good point, AND…sin darkens the intellect.
Good point, AND…sin darkens the intellect.
Thank you. You could easily replace the “lesbian and ex-girlfriend” with “girl and ex-boyfriend” and the same thing could have happened.
Now, I don’t agree at all with homosexuality, but how can you equate that homosexuality leads to a homicide?
Probably by the logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc (with this therefore because of this), i.e. the false correlation.

Just because homosexuality is a mental health disorder and is inherently irrational, doesn’t mean that it, in and of itself, was the motive for this particular homicide. In the cum hoc fallacy, a third factor must always be taken into consideration, i.e. homosexuality + something else might have caused this particular homicide.
Kevin Walker:
Probably by the logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc (with this therefore because of this), i.e. the false correlation.

Just because homosexuality is a mental health disorder and is inherently irrational, doesn’t mean that it, in and of itself, was the motive for this particular homicide. In the cum hoc fallacy, a third factor must always be taken into consideration, i.e. homosexuality + something else might have caused this particular homicide.
Oh, I completely agree. Probably in this scenario, homosexuality + disapproving grandparents + *x *factor (maybe depression?) led to this.
Oh, I completely agree. Probably in this scenario, homosexuality + disapproving grandparents + *x *factor (maybe depression?) led to this.
Sin sure brings alot of x factors. 😦
Oh, I completely agree. Probably in this scenario, homosexuality + disapproving grandparents + *x *factor (maybe depression?) led to this.
i completely disagree. statistically, gay men are much more likely to be killed in violent crimes then normal people. satan and his minons are present when we turn our backs to God and commit horrible sins. the greater the sin, the greater is the devils influence and presence. you guys sound like secular humanists.
oat soda:
i completely disagree. statistically, gay men are much more likely to be killed in violent crimes then normal people.
Where did you get this information from? Have any statistics?
oat soda:
satan and his minons are present when we turn our backs to God and commit horrible sins. the greater the sin, the greater is the devils influence and presence.
I can pretty much agree with you on this.
oat soda:
you guys sound like secular humanists.
You sound like a looney toon Quaker circa 1690 or a very sheltered person with regards to how society works.
Sin sure brings alot of x factors. 😦
Actually these X factors are simply secular causal determinants.

All homosexuality is an “abomination” and “objectively disordered”; but logically homosexuality is the strongest potential for irrational behaviour, it just doesn’t take much of a stimuli to set a homosexual off on some erronious tangent. That is why they must be prevented from positions of authority and strategic decision making requiring emotional stability and clarity of thought.

Homosexuals do have a higher than average suicide/homicide rate than heterosexuals plus a ton more anti-social behaviours, but in this particular scenario, homosexuality might not have been the sole cause of the homicide.
Thank you. You could easily replace the “lesbian and ex-girlfriend” with “girl and ex-boyfriend” and the same thing could have happened.
But homosexuality darkens or is a symptom of a darkening of the intellect more so than sins of a heterosexual nature. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes homosexual acts as acts of “grave depravity.” You don’t see a similiar description of sins of a heterosexual nature.

Engaging in grave depravity makes one prone to engage in other kinds of grave depravity.
Now, I don’t agree at all with homosexuality, but how can you equate that homosexuality leads to a homicide?
Maybe we should have asked Jeffrey Dahmer.
oat soda:
A CNN story of a gay teenage girl from Georgia who killed her friend’s grandparents so that they could “be together”. this is a good example of how homosexuality frequently leads to diabolical acts.
this story, or any other cockamamie thing you can come up with, is no proof of your allegation that homosexual orientation leads to diabolical acts. while it is true that any sinful action, chosen for whatever reason, could lead to further sin, that is not the same as saying it “frequently leads to diabolical acts.”
Since when does homosexuality lead to diabolical acts? :eek:

That kind of demonizing is what fules the fires for many to come back into the Church, straight and gay. 😦

Lets see, some of this century’s most diabolical acts were commited by MARRIED and or HETEROSEXUAL men


…so are to we makeof that? 😛
Maybe we should have asked Jeffrey Dahmer.
Wow. Such a great come back. Did you think of that one on your own? Dahmer was an extreme, not an everyday homicide.
oat soda:
A CNN story of a gay teenage girl from Georgia who killed her friend’s grandparents so that they could “be together”. this is a good example of how homosexuality frequently leads to diabolical acts.
Heterosexual couples do the same thing. Your not making a very good link.

By the way, I am courious about your name. How did you come up with Oat Soda?
But homosexuality darkens or is a symptom of a darkening of the intellect more so than sins of a heterosexual nature. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes homosexual acts as acts of “grave depravity.” You don’t see a similiar description of sins of a heterosexual nature.

Engaging in grave depravity makes one prone to engage in other kinds of grave depravity.
Yes that is very true. Homosexuality is inherently marked by dementia and irrationality. A homosexual is not just another version of Heterosexual, a homosexual is very disturbed and can go off irrationally on the slightest stimuli which would not perturb a heterosexual.
Kevin Walker:
a homosexual is very disturbed and can go off irrationally on the slightest stimuli which would not perturb a heterosexual.
No one is denying that homosexuality is wrong, but can you back up that statement? Any medical studies you’re privy too that we aren’t? We all know it leads to depression, alcoholism, and probably drug abuse, but what you are saying doesn’t make sense. So again, can you please back that up?
Since when does homosexuality lead to diabolical acts? :eek:
Homosexual acts are diabolicial, after all, Satan is the father of rebelion aginst God.

But I do have to concur that I don’t see that her homosexual attraction caused this. Yes, being in mortal sin predisposes you to evil, but, to say that it caused her to murder is taking it a bit far.
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