homosexuality and the devil

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oat soda:
i’m no more scared of homosexuals then i am of satan. i do believe that homosexuality does lead to diabolic influence. when people comit this act, they turn away from God and turn in on themselves. in a sense, they are bring hell into this world. here is one link that shows the link between homosexuality and death.

people don’t understand the the conjugal act is meant to be holy. consequently, the more contrary it is to God’s intent, the more evil it becomes. how can anyone say the devil wasn’t at work when they killed their grandparents with a knife. reason alone can’t explain this.
I totally agree that the homosexual has a higher perchance for violence than the heterosexual, in fact the homosexual is noted for inexplicable violent behaviour. I will never defend the homosexual life style. In this one example, I immediately thought of the *cum hoc *fallacy in logic to consider a third alternative. Though after thoroughly reading this article it does appear on the surface t be homosexually motivated.
Kevin Walker:
Yes that is very true. Homosexuality is inherently marked by dementia and irrationality. A homosexual is not just another version of Heterosexual, a homosexual is very disturbed and can go off irrationally on the slightest stimuli which would not perturb a heterosexual.
we are waiting to see your credentials for making such a preposterous claim. You received your training in psychology, psychiatry and demonic activity where?
we are waiting to see your credentials for making such a preposterous claim. You received your training in psychology, psychiatry and demonic activity where?
Don’t waste your time asking for sources or credentials, all he’ll do is tell you to look at other threads. Apparently he can make claims on this thread, but can’t back it up here.
oat soda:
A CNN story of a gay teenage girl from Georgia who killed her friend’s grandparents so that they could “be together”. this is a good example of how homosexuality frequently leads to diabolical acts.
Dear friend

This is a stupid parallel. I am very sorry for those who have died and both those who have died and those who have taken their lives are in my prayers, but your parallel is disturbing to me. As another poster said, you can subsititute any relationship for that you have quoted above, infact you will find that men murder their ladies and many ladies murder their men and some go as far as killing their children so much more often than anyone else on the planet, such is their lack of LOVE!!! Then tell me who is sinning greater?

I don’t like this thread, it smacks of hatred to me

God Bless you greatly and much love and peace upon your house

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