homosexuality and the devil

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In 1992 two Jeffersonville, Indiana lesbians, aged 17 and 16, abducted a 12-year-old girl whom they accused of trying to “steal a girlfriend.” The little girl was pushed into the trunk of a car, stabbed repeatedly, and beaten with a heavy metal bar. While still struggling, they poured gasoline on her and set her ablaze. Later that year a Fort Lauderdale, Florida 14-year-old was convicted of first-degree murder for helping to kill his 40-year-old father. The father “was stabbed 45 times and beaten so badly with an iron skillet that the skillet shattered.” The boy confessed that he helped his father’s former homosexual lover and roommate kill him so he and the 31-year-old “could live together.” These murders fit traditional psychiatric opinion: excessive violence is naturally associated with other forms of social pathology.

From this perspective, those who rebel against society’s norms – homosexuals, prostitutes, alcoholics, etc. – are more apt to be violent also. … familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet4.html
it’s really simple. homosexuality is the ultimate in selfishness and pride. it closes the sexual act which is holy, it is driven entirely by lust and not a mutual self giving, and by turning from the natural use to the unatural, it rejects God’s plan to unite us to himself as adopted sons and daughters. homosexuality is a portal to hell. this ultimate selfishness also manifests intself in acts of rage and murder.

in fact, i have an article by Dr. Satinover, a psychiastrist and princeton law professor, who rejects the idea of a “sexual orientation” based on studies which sampled over 10,000 individuals. it found that the majority of homosexuals “mutate” into heterosexuality over the course of a lifetime. those that hold onto a homosexual identity are affected by enviromental factors such as social networks, education, early sexual experiences, childhood sexual abuse, and cultrual beliefs.
Where did you get this information from? Have any statistics?

I can pretty much agree with you on this.

You sound like a looney toon Quaker circa 1690 or a very sheltered person with regards to how society works.
Be nice wabrams;) Go to the link on my sig and learn a bit about spiritual warfare, it is very real.
oat soda:
it’s really simple. homosexuality is the ultimate in selfishness and pride. it closes the sexual act which is holy, it is driven entirely by lust and not a mutual self giving, and by turning from the natural use to the unatural, it rejects God’s plan to unite us to himself as adopted sons and daughters. homosexuality is a portal to hell. this ultimate selfishness also manifests intself in acts of rage and murder.

in fact, i have an article by Dr. Satinover, a psychiastrist and princeton law professor, who rejects the idea of a “sexual orientation” based on studies which sampled over 10,000 individuals. it found that the majority of homosexuals “mutate” into heterosexuality over the course of a lifetime. those that hold onto a homosexual identity are affected by enviromental factors such as social networks, education, early sexual experiences, childhood sexual abuse, and cultrual beliefs.
Do a search for " Jesse Dirkhising" if you want a nice little story. NOT ONE BEAPING WORD OUT OF THE MSM. I lived in Branson, MO at the time, just a spit of cope away, and never heard about it untill Marlin Maddox, God rest his soul, faced the death threats from the homosexual community and reported it.

Jesse Dirkhising Sept. 26, 1999

edit- Dr. Dobson did a fine job tring to bring attention to the case as well.
There was no cum hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy in the situation. The third factor is the motive and was clearly stated that they wanted to be together. Therefore, in that situation:

A.) their being homosexuals + wanting to be together, although not clearly stated why they couldn’t be together when in fact they were together when they committed the crime = was the cause for their crime.

B.) Their being homosexuals is directly related to their crime in this specific or particular situation/incident.

The statement “…homosexuality frequently leads to diabolical…” is more of a hasty generalization logical fallacy. Just because this specific incident that involved two homosexuals happened doesn’t mean all homosexual activities are diabolical.

Kevin Walker:
Probably by the logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc (with this therefore because of this), i.e. the false correlation.

Just because homosexuality is a mental health disorder and is inherently irrational, doesn’t mean that it, in and of itself, was the motive for this particular homicide. In the cum hoc fallacy, a third factor must always be taken into consideration, i.e. homosexuality + something else might have caused this particular homicide.
No one is denying that homosexuality is wrong, but can you back up that statement? Any medical studies you’re privy too that we aren’t? We all know it leads to depression, alcoholism, and probably drug abuse, but what you are saying doesn’t make sense. So again, can you please back that up?
To avoid endless repetition on the same subject, please visit the Homosexual thread on Catholic Answers Forums and read every post.
Kevin Walker:
To avoid endless repetition on the same subject, please visit the Homosexual thread on Catholic Answers Forums and read every post.
So in other words, you’re not going to back up your claims.
I really dont think Lay Catholics have the right to extend Church definitions of homosexuality. Nowhere does the Church call the act, “diabolical” It defines it as intrinsically disordered. Though I will never support politically or spiritually those who practice gay sex, I will never consider them as diabolical. If thats the case, then I will no longer call Satanists diabolical, but just gravely disordered.
I didn’t ask which thread, I asked for your sources.
My sources are contained in the following threads:

Is Homosexuality Genetic

Why homosexual twin studies are flawed.

Homosexuality (locked thanks to the suspended Tlaloc).

Happy Reading!
Kevin Walker:
My sources are contained in the following threads:

Is Homosexuality Genetic

Why homosexual twin studies are flawed.

Homosexuality (locked thanks to the suspended Tlaloc).

Happy Reading!
Ok, then you have no problem posting those sources here since they pertinent to our discussion here.
I really dont think Lay Catholics have the right to extend Church definitions of homosexuality. Nowhere does the Church call the act, “diabolical” It defines it as intrinsically disordered. Though I will never support politically or spiritually those who practice gay sex, I will never consider them as diabolical. If thats the case, then I will no longer call Satanists diabolical, but just gravely disordered.
The Church has said that homosexuality is an “abomination.”

The Church has said that homosexuality is “objectively disordered.”

Ok, then you have no problem posting those sources here since they pertinent to our discussion here.
I’m not going to make your job any easier. Happy Reading. 🙂
Kevin Walker:
No; its your burden to read those threads if you want information.
It’s not my burden to read DIFFERENT threads to back up claims you make on THIS thread.
oat soda:
i completely disagree. statistically, gay men are much more likely to be killed in violent crimes then normal people. satan and his minons are present when we turn our backs to God and commit horrible sins. the greater the sin, the greater is the devils influence and presence. you guys sound like secular humanists.
and you sound like a homo phobic radical. homosexuality is wrong, but it doesnt automatically lead to murder.
and you sound like a homo phobic radical. homosexuality is wrong, but it doesnt automatically lead to murder.
i’m no more scared of homosexuals then i am of satan. i do believe that homosexuality does lead to diabolic influence. when people comit this act, they turn away from God and turn in on themselves. in a sense, they are bring hell into this world. here is one link that shows the link between homosexuality and death.

people don’t understand the the conjugal act is meant to be holy. consequently, the more contrary it is to God’s intent, the more evil it becomes. how can anyone say the devil wasn’t at work when they killed their grandparents with a knife. reason alone can’t explain this.
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