Homosexuality, marriage and use of condoms

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Ok but that’s Leviticus which is an OT book. I’m asking about the negative effects of Catholicism, not Judaism.
Just the terminology often used in documents is a negative effect for most gay people. Persona Humana, for example, says that among the ways that someone might come to have SSA is because of a “pathological constitution.” As someone who’s gay, I don’t like to think of myself as having a “pathological constitution.”
This language point is a very valid one. The only thing I can suggest is to bear in mind that translations are done from the Latin. This shows the limitations of translating from Latin into English. A lot is lost.
I am sorry to tell you but being gay is a sin if you think it is not then you need to read:
genesis 19v5 thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
there are many more like it in the word of God. having sex man with man is transgressing God moral law this is sin. all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God we are his creation whom satan want to destroy he (satan has come to kill to steal and to destroy but Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. The lord Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Jesus said I have come that you might have life and that more abundant. Jesus said come unto me all you that labour and have heavy burdens and I will give you rest. you can have peace with God through our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
by trust in Him alone he payed for your sins on his own body as he hung on the CROSS.
that’s how much the Lord Jesus loved you. You see the bible says: all we like sheep have gone astray but the Lord has put upon him the sins of us all. freedom from sin only comes through trusting in the finished work of the CROSS. My you see Jesus high and lifted up on the CROSS and you will see your sins being put away by God the father though His son at calvarys CROSS. What a beautiful saviour is Jesus. do not let the devil bring you under the delusion that being gay is not a sin. hope this help with this my friend I don’t want to hurt you or the gay community in any way but the truth of Gods word is real He loves you and wants to set you free from sin the bible says whom the son sets free he is free indeed. free from sin repentance is turning away form sin unto God the question is will you repent of all your sin before a thrice holy God who sent His Son to die for you.
having a lustful attraction is a sin lust is sinful
Ok I agree that actively lusting after someone is a sin. But what if your just attracted to the same sex, how is that active sinning when you never chose to experience that?
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I mean outdated as we have found it is not a choice to be gay. That gay people can love one another as much as I love my partner and that marriage does not have to equal having children.
Why does the disposition not being a choice make it good?
The marriage is an intimate union for life of a man and a woman who are able to achieve the sexual act that can bring children in the children. Children is a gift of marriage, we need to desire them, if we are are still in childbearing years, when we marry. But not all married couples will be blessed.
Why are gay people not allowed to get married if a couple who cannot have children can get married in Church?
Because the 2 situations are VERY different.
In the second, we have a man and a woman. They can have natural intercourse. So, the godly order, which follow the natural order is met.

In the first, we have 2 people of the same sex. They cannot have intercourse because their sexual parts don’t match. There is no complementarity, nor in sexuality, nor naturally as two people of differents sex. Marriage is impossible, the God’s order is not followed. End of the debate.

Please, as this is said, do not compare married people who cannot have children with a “gay” couple. It is offensive to said to them, their marriage must be invalid. First, it is not their fault, second, it is not what the Catholic church said.
We also acknowledge that a gay couple can have the same experience of love that a straight couple has.
Absolutely not.
The question is not to compare an “amount” of love, because love cannot be quantified.
But a man and a woman are different people. Only when we have a man and a woman together, we can have the two versions of humanity that God has create. Man and woman are complementary, as Eve complete Adam after God create her from his own body. The woman is the companion God have give to the man.
It is for theology.
On the psychological level, give a definition of a man and a woman is difficult. But they are not the same. And maternity and paternity reveal it deply, for people who have this experience.
And as sexually, the situation is very different too.
Is it because allowing a gay couple to get married in the church would challenge the use of condoms (I understand the pill is different in this case).
We go to an ugly part here!
I suppose that you said that, because you have statistics in mind on how “gay” couple are not exclusive too each others at a more higher level than “heterosexual” men in a relationship. (a political correct word to say “unfaithfull”). And because of the statistics on the prevalence of HIV and STD among them.
But as this is not a conduct except from a faithfull Catholic, and living an homosexual life is not too, this is not the reason.
It will not challenge the use of condom because a gay couple cannot be married.

A catholic couple who marry engaged themselves to be faithfull.
They are excepted to not use contraception at all. Whether it is a condom, the pill or any other stuff. They should be open to life when they engage in the marital act.
Not asking for a loophole just asking is it really a good idea to teach our children to not experience romantic love if they’re not gay? What if the scripture doesn’t apply now as time has moved on, now knowing the psychological effects of not allowing a gay person to just live normally?
It is wrong for parents to teach their children that romantic love and sexual relations between same sexes is okay. It is immoral and not okay. That’s is not our opinion. That is what God says. God trumps any opinions and views we may have that contradicts him.
Please, as this is said, do not compare married people who cannot have children with a “gay” couple.
I am not saying they’re the same, I am just saying one of the arguments people throw at gay marriage is that they cannot have children, when there are couples who can’t either.
The question is not to compare an “amount” of love, because love cannot be quantified.
I disagree
I suppose that you said that, because you have statistics in mind on how “gay” couple are not exclusive too each others at a more higher level than “heterosexual” men in a relationship. (a political correct word to say “unfaithfull”). And because of the statistics on the prevalence of HIV and STD among them.
But as this is not a conduct except from a faithfull Catholic, and living a homosexual life is not too, this is not the reason.
Homosexuality does not equal being promiscuous. (This is offensive to just out right brush them with the same assumption.) I question if a monogamous gay couple wants to get married and want to make a lifelong commitment, is not bad. I don’t think it is wrong. I am just saying that if we allow gay marriage people may begin to say condoms should be allowed, is this why the church doesn’t budge.
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If someone is not promiscuous or not infected, condoms are not mandate. So your assumption does not have sense.
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I am saying that allowing gay couples to get married makes the idea of not using contraception in heterosexual couples a bit silly.
I am sorry to tell you but being gay is a sin if you think it is not then you need to read:
genesis 19v5 thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
That verse is Leviticus 20:13. It’s not from Genesis.
When you feel like God is silent He isn’t He’s listening . Because nine times out of ten it’s when you are praying about something difficult. He will answer you when you finished with what you’re saying 🙂
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Then it’s not a sin if you choose not to act on it or look for that type of lifestyle it’s a dangerous thing to even think about it as the Devil that old serpent is so cunning in his was of deceiving us we don’t even know he is doing it. Yes that’s how good he really is and I hear to say it he is good at what he does. But thanks be to God. Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of the devil through the Cross.
I am not saying they’re the same, I am just saying one of the arguments people throw at gay marriage is that they cannot have children, when there are couples who can’t either.
Unfortunately you are not defining why each type can’t have children. And that is very important for understanding the difference as to why there really is no such thing as Gay marriage. Homosexual acts are inherently lacking any possibility of procreation. The parts are not sufficient to perform this function and are lacking by natural design. Their parts cannot perform this function together, but it is not caused by the natural course of human parts facing decay or defect as it is with heterosexual couples. With Married Couples the two differing parts are required for this function and are present but may have defects or other natural problems that prevent their natural function.

The causes for infertility are natural in their consequences for hetero couples while infertility is by design and impossible for homosexual acts. This renders the whole concept of gay unions inherently unequal to heterosexual marriage. How anyone can consider Gay marriage, (an oxymoron), equal to heterosexual marriage obviously has not considered the full essence and design of the most basic form of human sexuality.
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I am not saying they’re the same, I am just saying one of the arguments people throw at gay marriage is that they cannot have children, when there are couples who can’t either.
True, but part of the purpose of marriage is being open to life. There are couples who were considered sterile, yet conceived naturally. Not one gay couple has ever conceived.
True, but part of the purpose of marriage is being open to life
In marriage we agree to welcome children should God send them.

In marriage, each marital act must be ordered toward procreation.

“Open to life” is a very popular phrase, but, not precise as the the vows and the Church’s language.
Cannot quite see the logic here myself.
I suppose it depends whether or not what the world calls “marriage” includes sexual rights as intrinsic to the definition.
I believe that with the decriminalisation of adultery and fornication that battle was lost decades ago…at least outside the Catholic Church.
So I personally have little issue with non Catholic SS “marriage” … nor with Catholic legal unions.
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