It is true Rome has spoken on this issue. It is true that she has denied that “sexual behaviour of homosexual persons is always and totally compulsive” but the important qualifier that is almost universally ignored is that is that this condition cannot be used to reduce culpability. In other words, the sexual act may indeed be compulsive for the homosexual but this does not diminish his responsibility for it at all. I also note that in the definitive English version of the Catechism the Church removed the notion that the condition was not chosen. It is not unreasonable to assume that Rome supports my argument that the condition is chosen and it is this initial choice that renders every subsequent compulsive sex act blameworthy.Other Eric is promoting heresy. Rome has spoken; homosexuals can be chaste, and it is not their impulses but rather their actions which are sins. Mortal sin has to be deliberate; other Eric’s insistence that SSA is deliberate has no basis in science or church teaching. It is my impression that this self-proclaimed “lapsed Catholic” is seeking to rationalize his own distaste for people who suffer from SSA; he dehumanizes them, tells untruths about them (it is possible for them to be chaste, I think we all know examples of people who disprove his assertion), and mocks their struggle against sin. Such an attitude is unworthy of a Christian, and the Church rightly denounces it.
As far as anecdotal evidence is concerned regarding the supposed chastity of those afflicted with same-sex attraction, I can only note that homosexuality and pathological dishonesty seem to go together like peas and carrots. If one searches hard enough one can find stories attesting to things such as the joy of “intergenerational sex,” the “freedom won by women in the name of abortion” and the “liberty of being out from under the imposing yoke of a totalitarian Church.” Clearly the truth is no obstacle for those who simply wish to tell others good things about themselves.