Other Eric:
If he is authentically “psychotic” then his culpability is diminished or eliminated.We are, however, talking about an act that is a psychotic compulsion for the individual. Certainly he can’t be said to have the same use of his free will in this matter as a normal man.
He can “exchange” it back if he chooses to.Rather, looking at the psychological profile we can discern confidently that the homosexual has exchanged his own free will for the hedonism of the moment.
No, he has given in to temptations and he can, through God’s grace, return to a state of sanctifying grace.In his arrogance, the homosexual has been given over to his sins and has rejected his own free will.
He will only lose it if he freely chooses that way and refuses to repent.As a result his salvation is lost and he will never see the face of God.