"And if we are considering Newton’s constant fixed velocity of an object in a " vacuum " then one of three things has happened:
- Either the nature of the moving object is such that it maintains a constant velocity. In which case God is the efficient cause, since he is the creator of such a nature.
- God is the direct efficient cause of such constant velocity.
The efficient cause is the collection of causes which constructed the moving object and projected it, through and applied impetus. And even in this case God is the First Agent Cause."
"Or we could posit natural forces such as gravity"
Linus this is poor Physics, gravity can only ever cause acceleration, never uniform motion which you seem to be talking about here?
Motion must be caused by something.
This “principle” is the problem which is causing all the above somersaults.
I see two problems with this “principle” and the way you are using it:
(i) you’ve put it very vaguely if we are talking about the First Way.
I think you mean to say “whatever is moving must be being moved by another.”
I think that is the most accurate rendering of Aristotle in Latin, or do you disagree?
(ii) If the First Way is truly aposteriori then the certainty of this principle must also be somehow derived from observation of the sensible world, presumably by induction from everybody’s consistent observation of motion in everyday life.
And here’s the logical problem. If this principle is true it must be true of local motion. And if true of local motion it must hold for all local motion.
Now Newton showed that all observed sensible motion is either due to
continuously applied sensible force (resulting in ongoing acceleration) or
temporarily applied force (resulting in initial acceleration terminating in uniform velocity) no exceptions.
Therefore the principle you enunciate above that is allegedly aposteriori is in need of a slight correction if we accept it’s truth is aposteriori rather than apriori.
Namely: “whatever is moving was put into motion by another” is the most we can consistently say. We cannot say “whatever is moving is being moved by another” because that is only true of an object demonstrating continuously accelerating motion (or constant velocity in the face of friction).
The problem is instead of questioning the truth of the principle you are questioning the truth of reality and positing a worldly “god of the gaps” explanation simply because “there must be one.”
This seems to be a logical flaw in your methodology if the truth of the First Way is truly aposteriori. If you believe your methodology is valid then in fact you seem forced to accept that your understanding of the First Way is in fact primarily apriori metaphysical.
Your principle of movement “whatever is moving is being moved by another” then becomes a metaphysical sacred cow that is non-falsifiable by empirical observations or experiments and Newton hasn’t gone far enough - there must be more for the Physicists to discover/understand in the sensible world.
However I believe this principle is aposteriori and Newton has fine tuned our understanding of local motion which means Aristotle’s principle of motion has to be amended from “whatever is moving is being moved by another” to “whatever is moving was put into motion by another.”
How this correction of Aristotle’s principle affects the First Way I don’t know.
It may have more serious implications for ontological principles of change perhaps.
If of sensible reality it cannot be said that “whatever is moving is being moved by another”
then from where does the truth of "“whatever is changing is being changed by another?”
Perhaps we can only say “whatever is changing began its change by another?”
#3 would be the example of a space ship moving through space. It would be constructed and put together and launched by a consortum of men and companies, all of whom would act as efficient cause applying an impetus to the space ship. The impetus would modify the " nature " or artificial form of the ship causing it to travel through space at a nearly constant speed ( but not absolutely constant because space is not a vacuum.)…
The only efficient cause of pertinence wrt local motion is the fuel burning and expanding and providing the impetus. There is no prior chain of local motion beyond that from what I can see. Of course there are prior efficient causes to the liquid oxygen/hydrogen being there.
The problem I see with this tortured “modification of nature” hypothesis is that a self-mover must have a different constituent “part” from which the internal agent act arises.
In living things this is the soul. A projectile does not have a soul - though it would be logical for you and Linus to posit one wouldn’t it? Afterall it is internal self-movement which defines “life” (the ability to move oneself).
But of course we today would not posit a soul in a projectile so the problem is how can the atoms being moved be moved by a “change in nature” of the same atoms? Whence the distinct “part” of the cannonball that causes act of the other part of the cannonball and makes it a self mover?