It’s not about preferences. For example, I prefer to sleep in on Sunday. But I don’t because I owe God my best out of obedience even when I prefer otherwise.And it is unfortunately exactly this kind of statement, and the “superiority” it implies, that so endears “traditionalists” to so many. The belief that anyone with a different preference is lazy, ill-informed, irreverent, ad nauseum.
Just as sad as those who might truly believe that “traditionalists” are as described there.
Maybe that’s why the Pope is hoping that the TLM will enrich the Novus Ordo. The fact is that there are people wearing jeans and sneakers and sweats and shorts and flip flops and tube tops in greater percentages than those wearing what was always called “Their Sunday best”.
In the early 70’s people still dressed up for the Novus Ordo. That eventually went out with the altar rails and communion on the tongue.
I remember before I was a trad that I even noticed that the vestments were getting more and more casual. Too many are looking like bathrobes and nighties.
As the Church goes, so goes the world. The Protestants used to have to keep pace with the Catholics to look legitimate. Now they look more legitimate than the Catholics. I know from discussions with Protestants that they are scandalized with the way Catholics dress going to the Novus Ordo.
It’s going to take the higher demands of the culture of the TLM on the people to bring them back to where they should have never left because of experimentation with sacred things.
Many people are going to have reassess the meaning of the Mass of the ordinary rite in order to reconnect with their Catholic patrimony.