How are "Traditionalists" viewed within the church?

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I’m tellin’ ya Jimbo - If you are like me, you won’t be able to resist opening the “ignored post.”

I also tune to talk radio hosts I can’t stand (e.g. Randi Rhodes, Janeane Garofolo) every once-in-a-while and get angry. It’s some sort of self-flagellation I think. 😛
That seems a bit harsh PeaceJoyLove. Certainly they may be those in the seminary that are as you say. I don’t think it is anything that is particular to conservatives or traditionalists. Anecdotally speaking I know many a liberal who enjoys self importance.

While I (as a conservative) do have issues with some traditionalists and certain tendencies I’ve noticed in those individuals. If I had to chose for The Church to “err” on side of traditionalists or liberals I’d jump on the trad train and buy tickets for others.
Many (not all) seminarians absolutely IN LOVE , being in authority and looked upon with favor, and are overly impressed with who they think they will be.

It’s not hard really; not everyone who wants to put on a police or fire uniform does so because they really want to serve and protect.
Similarly, not everyone who wants to put on a collar is doing it for the right reasons either.
I guess the same thing can be said of “contemporary (whatever that means) liturgists”. Its a “I need to be seen as important” thing isn’t it!?
I guess the same thing can be said of “contemporary (whatever that means) liturgists”. Its a “I need to be seen as important” thing isn’t it!?
Correct me if I am wrong. But throughout history the “liturgist” was a priest or professor of religious studies. How then does a layperson hold this position?
I am currently reading and learning as much as I can about catholicism, having been a lapsed catholic for a number of years.

After much research I think that traditional catholic worship appeals to me as I find it more sacred and holy.

However, because I have been absent from the church for many years, I would like to know if there are many other “traditionalists” within the church? Are those who prefer the Latin mass in the minority and how are they viewed by other non-traditional catholics?
The Latin Mass is gaining in popularity. This popularity is mostly driven by younger Catholics (<45yrs old) who are tired of the liturgical abuses of the NO masses and who want come clear direction on how to live as a Catholic in this pagan world. “Traditonal” churches and TLM have as much Catholic Truth and Morality as they did for the 1500 years this was the norm before 1970. I personally like TLM becasue of the reverence and holyness of the Mass. TLM treats the Mass as an entering into the sacrafice on calvary and these services usually show the due respect to the eucharist; the True presence of our Lord.

Both masses are valid so feel free to attend a NO or TLM. Be careful of groups such as SSPX. These are either excommunicated or not in union with the Church. If the Church is endorsed by the diocese or on the diocese website it should be OK to attend. God bless and keep following your instincts on tradition.
Many (not all) seminarians who are described as “conservative, traditional” are absolutely IN LOVE with the idea of walking around in a collar, being in authority and looked upon with favor, and are overly impressed with who they think they will be.

These are the types that cling to things like the latin mass because the idea of going back to something like that seems cool to them. They have never even been to a latin mass, but they like the idea - probably because of the way people absolutely fell all over themselves for priests in those days.

It’s not hard really; not everyone who wants to put on a police or fire uniform does so because they really want to serve and protect.
Similarly, not everyone who wants to put on a collar is doing it for the right reasons either.
Your statement is very insulting to seminarians, priests and Catholics. If you have evidence of this (like a survey) then please provide it. If not keep your insults to yourself please.
Many (not all) seminarians who are described as “conservative, traditional” are absolutely IN LOVE with the idea of walking around in a collar, being in authority and looked upon with favor, and are overly impressed with who they think they will be.

These are the types that cling to things like the latin mass because the idea of going back to something like that seems cool to them. They have never even been to a latin mass, but they like the idea - probably because of the way people absolutely fell all over themselves for priests in those days.

It’s not hard really; not everyone who wants to put on a police or fire uniform does so because they really want to serve and protect.
Similarly, not everyone who wants to put on a collar is doing it for the right reasons either.
You come across as very sanctimonious.😦
These are the types that cling to things like the latin mass because the idea of going back to something like that seems cool to them. They have never even been to a latin mass, but they like the idea - probably because of the way people absolutely fell all over themselves for priests in those days.

Well, I’m good friends with three seminarians. One FSSP, two diocesan, one in Rome, one Josephinum. They, in turn, have many good friends who are seminarians whose attitudes they are privy to. So, that’s a pretty large sample. And, in that group, your analysis does not apply at all. Especially since so many of them attend the TLM often and are involved in learning the rite themselves.

Where’s that ignore button again? It’s proving indispensible….
Here ya go.
Many (not all) seminarians who are described as “conservative, traditional” are absolutely IN LOVE with the idea of walking around in a collar, being in authority and looked upon with favor, and are overly impressed with who they think they will be.

These are the types that cling to things like the latin mass because the idea of going back to something like that seems cool to them. They have never even been to a latin mass, but they like the idea - probably because of the way people absolutely fell all over themselves for priests in those days.

It’s not hard really; not everyone who wants to put on a police or fire uniform does so because they really want to serve and protect.
Similarly, not everyone who wants to put on a collar is doing it for the right reasons either.
I studied paramedicine and majority of my classmates were really into to it that inclueds wearing the uniform. Without the uniform in the field people cannot identify them and worst wouldn’t trust them. I don’t think those who join the force or any uniformed services doesn’t want to wear uniform in any reason; if that is the case they shouldn’t joined the force in the first place.
In the case of cassock and collar wearing priests they don’t wear it because people think highly of them… No… They wear ministerial clothings because it is an honor to be a priest of God, they are humbled to be priests, and they are not shy to wear it (simple as that). I prefer cassock, collar, habits wearing priests and brothers, and habit wearing nuns than those who resist not to wear theirs.
Laudater Jesus Christo
Instaurare omnia in Christo
Please return to the original topic. Thank you.
Yes. The original topic. It appears that many people think traditional Catholics view themselves as holier than non-traditional Catholics. Traditional devotions and practices are often pious exercises, and this may be part of the reason trads are perceived as coming across this way.

Head coverings are a perfect example of what I mean. Women who wear them get accused of trying to be holier than other women who don’t wear them, and liturgical innovations are another example. Traditional Catholics who shy away from innovations at the Mass get frowned upon for not wanting to participate, when all we really want is to be able to to pray the Mass without distractions.

I’m sure trads will always be viewed this way by those who don’t have an understanding of why we seek tradition over innovation. Tradition feeds our souls spiritually in a way that modern practices never can.
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