To answer your question… I think everyone must examine their consciences fully and determine which candidate is best…across a range of issues.
Your opinion. Not that of the U.S. bishops or any Pope. This is actually a protestant view, not a Catholic view. And why in the world, if you’re Catholic, would you want an abortion supporter like Garland on the Court instead of a prolife woman like Barrett?
Fully agree… that is why Merrick Garland should be on the court. McConnell manipulated the system and abused power
No he didn’t. He had every right to do exactly what he did.
I forgot that economic policy is more important than the lives of millions of children.
Not that the Dem party has any coherent economic policies.
Given the Senate at the time, there is no one who they would have held hearings on. That much was made clear by McConnell at the time.
Correct. Obama would have appointed another abortion supporting justice like the other two he appointed, and there was no way the Repubs would have confirmed them.
there is a growing Democrats for Life organization
Nonsense. The Dems got rid of the last prolife Democrat in congress when they got rid of Lipinski. There is effectively no such thing as a “Democrat for Life”. The party eliminates them.
for example Rerum Novarum, Pacem in Terris
Where in Rerum Novarum does it say it’s okay to kill children? Please quote the passage for us.
The USCCB has plenty of material as well.
Yes. It says abortion is the preeminent issue in this election; i.e., more important than any other issue.
Remember, being pro-life is more than being anti abortion; a lot more.
Not that the Dem party is any of those things. In the early Obama administration, the Dems could have enacted anything they wanted. They had total control. What did they do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. They did enact middle class welfare measures like “Cash for Clunkers” that subsidized people wealthy enough to buy new cars. It destroyed the “clunkers” the poor depend on, of course, and caused used car prices to go up.
Well, then the Dems also want to make it more expensive for the poor to heat their homes or put gas in their cars to get to work, or buy food which takes a great deal of fossil fuel to grow. After all, wages are cheaper in China, especially the slave labor, and illegal immigrants will work for less than minimum wage. But who cares about working people, right? Certainly not the Dem party, which is the party of Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg and other oligarchs of business and entertainment.