How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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They do. By casting a vote for Biden, they are plunging the knife into millions of children. It is very sad and I pray God has mercy on their souls.
People who promote killing almost never admit that’s what they’re doing. And they invent euphemisms for it like “woman’s choice”, “final solution”, “ridding the land of harmful insects”, “great leap forward”. They’re shy when it comes to admitting the reality of their purposes.
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It is not an abuse of power.
It is, however, hypocritical. To move from “a Justice should not be appointed during the election process” in February of an election year to, essentially, “full speed ahead” in October of an election year, when votes are already being cast, is naked hypocrisy.
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Barack Obama should have nominated a judge that the Senate would hold a hearing on.
Given the Senate at the time, there is no one who they would have held hearings on. That much was made clear by McConnell at the time.
How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden?

They go to a voting booth, with a pamphlet and fill in the bubble next to Biden/Harris.
to see it from other people’s perspective. It’s distasteful for people to disagree with you, because your tone and word usage implies disrespect.
It’s amazing to me that you call me disrespectful yet I continue to incur sarcasm and insults from the leftist. If I am the problem than look past that and vote against murdering babies. That is what matters most.
Many Catholics who vote for Biden agree that the Biden ticket also promotes disrespect of human life in its crimes against the unborn, but they are very bothered by that carelessness on the Trump side towards religious and social minorities, refugees, and those seeking asylum
Again as I said above these are all childish reasons to vote for Biden. The reality is that President Trump has raised the standard of living for minorities by lowering the level of poverty, lowering unemployment, funding historically black colleges, and other things he never gets credit for.

Of course he protects our borders because he knows the quality of life for all Americans will go down if we have to provide health care and other necessities to illegal aliens. The Obama Biden administration did the same thing yet they get a pass.
A week before the election, and you claim this is just an academic question? With all the threats of judgment you are making toward others, how can this be. This is a political ad, an attempt to influent the vote.
What threats? Again you are just making things up based upon what you think I mean.

Of course I am trying to influence the vote away from baby murder to life.
If the Democrats wanted to control the Judge appointing process they should win the Senate.
You know perfectly well that McConnell wasn’t going to allow a hearing on anyone Obama nominated. He made that very clear with his “have to let the voters decide” fakery.
They do. By casting a vote for Biden, they are plunging the knife into millions of children. It is very sad and I pray God has mercy on their souls.
I disagree… there is a growing Democrats for Life organization that promotes being pro-life for the whole life. -

A Pro-Life Democrat fits very neatly in to the Catholic framework for protection of life and the application of Catholic doctrines on matters of human dignity and common good in society - for example Rerum Novarum, Pacem in Terris, and many others

The USCCB has plenty of material as well.

Remember, being pro-life is more than being anti abortion; a lot more.

Maybe you already know all of this, but maybe not. Hopefully you click through some of those links. For me, all of those issues will be considered when pulling the lever on Tuesday.
Yes you are right. So sad so many Catholics in this forum support the greatest evil of our time. I pray that God have mercy on their souls and that they seek forgiveness.
Jeez…. I don’t know any Catholics that support abortion, nor have I seen Catholics advocating for abortion on this forum.
Could you explain the latest Pew survey from October 2019?

More than half of U.S. Catholics (56%) said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while roughly four-in-ten (42%) said it should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2019 Pew Research Center survey.

Apparently, Pew didn’t speak to you or your friends but to “other” Catholics.

See the problem with relying on anecdotal data such as “I don’t know of any…”

Perhaps that explains why so many Catholics on CAF come out in defence of the Dems and justify abortion using the muted language of social justice, i.e., “across a range of issues.” They aren’t admitting their real position but hiding behind their party affiliation? 🤔
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Trump has not stated any plan at all - just an vague promise to trust him. Pre-existing conditions will not be covered once Obamacare is gone.
President Trump has clearly stated that pre existing conditions will be protected. Despite this you claim to have some secret knowledge to the negative. Where is your evidence? Who is your source?
Since Obamacare is the only thing currently guaranteeing coverage, threats to overturn it are indeed threats to ending this coverage. “
You have selective hearing. President Trump said he will eliminate Obama care and REPLACE it with a better plan.

Most political experts agree that there is not enough support among Democrats for changing the number of Justices.

LOL…Experts? What experts? Democrat pollsters? There is a good chance Republicans could loose the Senate. Maybe he will use executive order like Obama did. Besides why take this risk? We know President Trump won’t pack the court with liberals who support abortion.
Biden Harris wants to codify Roe vs. Wade…
Another claim without evidence.
We hear that every year from conservatives. So-and-so is the most radical ever. Remember, Joe beat out all the more liberal candidates in the primary. Who was more moderate than Joe in the primaries
With all you have read on this thread HOW can you not see th e danger to the unborn this administration would be?
There is a reason all pro abortion groups adamantly support Biden Harris. In particular they really like Harris who has been deemed the most radical member of congress. How do you think she became a senator for California? What do you think will happen if the elderly Joe Biden can’t do all four years?

The two choices have never been more clear.I know that when I leave the voting booth on Tuesday I will have done everything I could to protect the unborn.
If he nominated a real judge like Amy Coney Barrett then I bet they would have.
More than half of U.S. Catholics (56%) said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while roughly four-in-ten (42%) said it should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2019 Pew Research Center survey .
My goodness… I did not know that stat.

I can’t speak for others, but I’m not hiding my position on abortion… I simply am not a one issue voter… I think we all should consider the Church’s guidance on these 7 Things:
  1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person from abortion to euthanasia, the death penalty, wars of aggression, cloning/stem cell, etc
  2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation - How we organize our society in economics and politics, in law and policy - directly affects human dignity
  3. Rights and Responsibilities - The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities–to one another, to our families, and to the larger society.
  4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.
  5. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers - The economy must serve people, not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in Gods creation.
  6. Solidarity - We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers and sisters keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict.
  7. Care for God’s Creation - We show our respect for the Creator by our [stewardship of creation] Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith
PS - Trump favors abortion in cases of rape, incest and life of the mother… so technically a vote for Trump is a vote for abortion according to some of the logic put forward in this thread.
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Based on this list,it’s obvious Trump is the most pro life candidate.JB fulfills none of these criteria
Is Joe Biden pro-life? And I agree that there is more to pro-life than abortion. But you are neglecting the fact that the Democrats platform is net negative in the life department. If there is a pro life democrat I will consider them, but that does not exist.
Sure but that is politics unfortunately
I think I get it now. If a candidate or official you disagree with does something wrong, then it is due only to being evil and less than human. If a candidate or official you agree with does something bad, that is just politics. Well, I say that we shouldn’t excuse bad behavior in that way.
If he nominated a real judge like Amy Coney Barrett then I bet they would have.
You already lost that bet; they did. It wasn’t for his views or record that he was denied a hearing, it was to poke Obama in the eye (metaphorically).
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President Trump has clearly stated that pre existing conditions will be protected.
President Trump has “clearly stated” so many things that turned out to be untrue, I would be very surprised if this turned out to be the exception.
Despite this you claim to have some secret knowledge to the negative.
The burden of proof is on those who claim the positive. You don’t “prove” the unicorns don’t exist. You ask for proof that they do.
President Trump said he will eliminate Obama care and REPLACE it with a better plan.
See above comment on believing every word from the mouth of Trump.
With all you have read on this thread HOW can you not see th e danger to the unborn this administration would be?
If you think I’m supposed to take the opinion of an extreme right-wing source like LifeNews as authoritative, you are mistaken.
Okay would you be a one issue if you were in Nazi Germany? Say they have the same policies of the Democrats but instead of abortion they support jewish genocide?
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