How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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I guess you’re one of the lucky few who either (a) doesn’t have pre-existing conditions; or (b) is well off enough to self insure. Well done.
Both of your points are pure fallacy. Pre-existing conditions are protected, and no one is threatening to change this. Most people are insured through work not self insured.
Ha! Talk about opinions! Interesting how all the right-wing opinions are facts, but the left-wing opinions are just opinions.
Based on the available information, I believe it is reasonable to believe that the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy is, in fact, true. The lack of a clear denial from Joe Biden with respect to the authenticity of the laptop, as well as the FBI’s interest in the laptop, leads me to this conclusion.
Only your opinion is “informed” and those that disagree with you aren’t? You will not be surprised to find that those on the left think that right-wing opinions are far from “informed.”
My opinion is informed because it is based on evidence. The opinions of those who disagree with me may be as well. However I would argue that my position better fits the available evidence.
You just go and say stuff, and that makes it a fact?
Here are a couple of relevant citations with respect to stand down orders and declining to prosecute those arrested:

As for the malicious prosecution of those trying to maintain order in the absence of police assistance, I do not have any sources that are easily accessible to those without background knowledge in self defense. If you would like, I can send you a link to a writeup for one such event as a private message.

I have a question for you pertaining to a key point in one of my earlier messages: Are you okay with the government using violence to take money from citizens in order to finance abortions?
Ha! Talk about opinions! Interesting how all the right-wing opinions are facts, but the left-wing opinions are just opinions.
It’s well documented that Joe Biden and his son Hunter received millions from China and Russia. President Trump asked Biden to explain but Biden just chucked as if that was sufficient. Many conservatives have been asking why Hunter Biden received so much money. Is Hunter a brilliant or super entertaining speaker and worth paying millions? No he was a drug addict who was forced out of the army. Could it be Hunter was paid so much because his dad was VP?
Your opinion. Mine differs significantly.
You are unable to tell the difference between opinion and fact. Under President Trump unemployment was down (especially among minorities), growth was up, personal incomes were up, poverty rates for minorities decreased to an all time low, and contrary to the misinformation stated here, his better health care plan does NOT stop protections for pre-existing conditions.

In addition President Trump has installed an extremely qualified Supreme Court Justice who has a solid record of following the law. Biden would never have chosen her. Instead he is going to pack the court with leftist who will ignore the constitution and legislate from the bench.
There seems to be a lot of anxiety regarding SCOTUS & the somewhat obscured plan to stack it. Are we talking about the balance within the caucus of 9 members, or are we talking about the addition of members?

What would be the difference if we go from 9 to 29 members? What would be some of the positive & negative outcomes for the voters of America?
Sorry, withdrawn because the reply wasn’t meant for @Dracarys
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This thread asked how can Catholics vote for Joe Biden. The usual cadre of liberals skirted my question by stating that it’s up to the individuals conscience, or complained that President Trump was a mean man and they don’t like him.

As I have said the Biden ticket is not like the Cintons who said they are “pro-choice” , but never actively worked toward these issues. Biden Harris wants to codify Roe vs. Wade, make tax payers and employers pay for abortions, they support partial birth abortion and Planned Parenthood, they will force medical personnel to participate in abortions, and are the first to ever want to repeal the Hyde amendment which would pour tax dollars for use of abortions. The Biden Harris ticket is the most radical candidates to have ever run. Every pro baby murder organization supports Biden Harris. This is the candidate supported by many of the posters on this thread.

This IS the most important election of our lives and I sincerely hope any Catholic voters who are considering Biden will rethink their position. Quit trying to nit pick and be clever or show off how clever and tolerant you are. Knock off the nonsense! Biden Harris will adversely affect the United States. If you want law and order, a strong economy, and more protections for the unborn vote Trump Pence.
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What would be the difference if we go from 9 to 29 members? What would be some of the positive & negative outcomes for the voters of America?
The problem is that the one doing the stacking would be the leftist Democrat Biden Harris administration. This is how extreme and dangerous they are. Prior democrats hoped they had the opportunity to nominate a justice, but they didn’t force a gaming of the system. If you take your faith seriously and are against abortion I guarantee you don’t want this to happen.
Interesting how all the right-wing opinions are facts, but the left-wing opinions are just opinions.
:+1:Yes this seems to be the case & it looks quite clear that one side studies, analyzes & only portray what they find as negative, it is how they contrast their own strengths. Ask them to highlight one of their own negatives & see what comes out. One side tends to know all about its own weaknesses but the other denies it has any at all.

I don’t like to use the words left or right because they are part of the same single body & because we are all so different we always need to be mindful & respect one another with open, honest dialogue & compromise
@Dracarys try to see it from other people’s perspective. It’s distasteful for people to disagree with you, because your tone and word usage implies disrespect.

If you were actually out to change hearts and minds, you would take a different approach. But don’t you see how from the perspective of the ones who disagree with you, it doesn’t seem like you want to do anything other than confirm your own convictions? You admonish people to “quit trying to nit pick and be clever or show off”, but respectfully sir that seems to be a projection of your own strategy.

Even in this post you belittle what little people are telling you by calling them “the usual cadre” and accusing them of having “skirted my question by stating it’s up to the individuals conscience…”. But this is a real response to your question. Just because it’s not the one you wanted, doesn’t mean it’s not a real response.

This highlights one intangible reason some people are willing to vote for Biden on the national and international stage. Trump has sown discord in the hearts of the nation and people are more at odds with each other than they have ever been. Many Catholics who vote for Biden agree that the Biden ticket also promotes disrespect of human life in its crimes against the unborn, but they are very bothered by that carelessness on the Trump side towards religious and social minorities, refugees, and those seeking asylum. God commanded “Thou shalt not kill”, and Biden is not conforming to this divine law, but Trump’s infractions against it notwithstanding, God also said: “That they may all be one.”

My question to you @Dracarys: What are you doing to further this goal of Jesus Christ?
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This is a disingenuous arguement.
It is not an argument. I was defining the fallacy you used, and just used again.
. The purpose of this thread is to ask how any Catholic can vote for Biden
A week before the election, and you claim this is just an academic question? With all the threats of judgment you are making toward others, how can this be. This is a political ad, an attempt to influent the vote.

You have several answers, and you argue against them. :roll_eyes: I believe this was a more honest reason:
This thread is about the dangers Biden possess
and reactionary Catholics rush to lend support.
That is silly circular logic
You are unable to tell the difference between opinion and fact
Knock off the nonsense!
insult and label. Right. That is not denigrating others.
Biden Harris will adversely affect the United States. If you want law and order, a strong economy, and more protections for the unborn vote Trump Pence.
This is a political ad, as is this whole thread.
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You are unable to tell the difference between opinion and fact.
You miss my meaning entirely when I say the republic is not doing well.

That the republic is doing well is an opinion.

Moreover, economic markers are not the ONLY considerations in whether the republic is healthy. In fact, there are many indicators it is not healthy and is in peril, as an institution.
his better health care plan does NOT stop protections for pre-existing conditions.
His non existent better health care plan.
Instead he is going to pack the court with leftist who will ignore the constitution and legislate from the bench.
That again is your opinion of what Biden will do.
The usual cadre of liberals skirted my question by stating that it’s up to the individuals conscience
You’ve been given reasons. You don’t like them.

You work from the no true Scotsman fallacy.

You want to name call those that disagree with you rather than listen and have an honest discussion.

Trump is an existential threat to the republic. He has demonstrated he believes he is above the law. He is mentally ill, lawless, amoral, and has no conscience.
complained that President Trump was a mean man and they don’t like him.
Not a “mean man”. A dangerous man.
the Biden ticket is not like the Cintons who said they are “pro-choice” , but never actively worked toward these issues.
This is… I don’t even know what this is. Delusional.
Biden Harris will adversely affect the United States.
This of us NOT voting for trump believe that he has already adversely affected the United States and will do more damage if re-elected.
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pack the court with [the opposition] who will ignore the constitution and legislate from the bench.
You do realize that this is something the left claims the right has already done. Not just a looming spectre of the future but something actually achieved?

And it’s hard to say they’re wrong when we got a “have your cake and eat it too” deal with Barret AND Gorsuch on the bench.
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Based on the available information, I believe it is reasonable to believe that the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy is, in fact, true. The lack of a clear denial from Joe Biden with respect to the authenticity of the laptop, as well as the FBI’s interest in the laptop, leads me to this conclusion.
So “he didn’t deny it well enough to suit me” and “the FBI wants to find out the truth” equals “guilty” in your mind? Interesting.
I have a question for you pertaining to a key point in one of my earlier messages: Are you okay with the government using violence to take money from citizens in order to finance abortions?
No, I am not in favor of abortion. I think it is an intrinsic evil, and a great sin for those who procure an abortion or perform them, or order them. And I voted for Joe Biden because the Joe and the Democratic party has never performed a single abortion, or ordered one. That sin belongs primarily to those closest to the decision: the woman, her doctor, and any family members who may have forced her into it. The Democrats did not force her into it. Yet we hear very little ire from conservatives directed at women who choose abortion - probably because those women are not also threatening their tax cuts, environmental deregulation, xenophobia, etc.
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You do realize that this is something the left claims the right has already done.
What Trump has done is different. He appoint SC judges for vacancies that occurred during his term. On the other hand Biden said specifically that he did not believe in expanding the court. This is a boogey-man. The GOP will have their appointees firmly in control of the court for a couple of decades, most likely, though I am sure they will learn that appoint strict constitutionalists also means they will not be able to twist the Constitution to their whim.

Trump has taken the issue of SC appointments off the table of what is likely for this term.
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contrary to the misinformation stated here, his better health care plan does NOT stop protections for pre-existing conditions.
Trump has not stated any plan at all - just an vague promise to trust him. Pre-existing conditions will not be covered once Obamacare is gone.
Pre-existing conditions are protected, and no one is threatening to change this. Most people are insured through work not self insured.
Since Obamacare is the only thing currently guaranteeing coverage, threats to overturn it are indeed threats to ending this coverage. “Most people” is not “everyone”. If I said to you that “most people” never experience a house fire, therefore fire insurance is not necessary, would you be convinced? The US is virtually alone in the developed world with not providing universal health coverage.
Biden would never have chosen her. Instead he is going to pack the court with leftist…
Most political experts agree that there is not enough support among Democrats for changing the number of Justices.
Biden Harris wants to codify Roe vs. Wade…
Another claim without evidence.
The Biden Harris ticket is the most radical candidates to have ever run.
We hear that every year from conservatives. So-and-so is the most radical ever. Remember, Joe beat out all the more liberal candidates in the primary. Who was more moderate than Joe in the primaries?
This IS the most important election of our lives
Every election is “the most important of our lives”. I’ve been around for 72 years. I have heard it all.
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And I voted for Joe Biden because the Joe and the Democratic party has never performed a single abortion, or ordered one.
Vote for Biden or not is not my point. You have your world view. That said…

You are absolutely correct, Joe Biden and many Democrats have not performed any single abortion, because they are not doctors. They do however defend tooth and nail the right of a doctor to kill that child, and want to expand it.
On the other hand Biden said specifically that he did not believe in expanding the court.
Can you give a source for this? At the debates he refused to say this and the Democrats have been saying it needs to happen. You realize defending Biden only increases the chances of millions of babies being murdered right? Way support an evil man?
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