How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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President Trump has clearly stated he will protect pre-existing conditions.
HOW will he do that?

Magic wands are not real.
Have you bothered to look into it before laying down a verdict? Speaking of magically making what you don’t want to hear disappear.
The burden of proof is on those who claim the positive. You don’t “prove” the unicorns don’t exist. You ask for proof that they do .
You have it backwards.
No, I’ve got it right. Trump is the one claiming he’s got a unicorn that will protect preexisting conditions. It is not up to me to prove that unicorns don’t exist. It is up to Trump to show us his unicorn (or health plan). He’s not laid out anything the least bit specific on how he is going to do something I think he has no intention of doing if he is elected.
How do you want him to “prove” he will do this to your satisfaction?
By committing to how he is going to prevent insurance companies from denying coverage to those with preexisting conditions. Insurance companies are in business to make money. They make money when they collect premiums and they lose money when they pay for health care. Insurance companies have always tried to limit coverage to make more money. Is Trump going to offer to subsidize the coverage with tax dollars to give insurance companies an incentive? Or his he going to call for legislation that penalizes insurance companies for not covering preexisting conditions? Or is he relying on his unicorn to do it magically? He just needs to say which it is. He has not.
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where did I even remotely imply that Rerum Novarum or any other Church document says it’s okay to kill children?
Post No. 268. You implied that Rerum Novarum is supportive of the Dem program. That includes killing children.
I’m fine having a debate, but can I ask that we have an honest debate?
That’s fine, so let’s not pretend that Catholics are free to vote for abortion-supporting candidates unless for an equally grave reason.
He has also had nearly four years to provide details of his “better. cheaper” health plan and still has not given a single tangible proposal, only promises that it will be , well, better and cheaper. Well past time for him to put up or shut up.
Possibly he could do that simply by getting rid of Obamacare. It’s needlessly expensive, discourages employers from providing healthcare, and has not demonstrably increased health care for anyone.
President Trump has clearly stated he will protect pre-existing conditions.
He has also had nearly four years to provide details of his “better. cheaper” health plan and still has not given a single tangible proposal, only promises that it will be , well, better and cheaper. Well past time for him to put up or shut up.
Do you know of anything that he has done or hasn’t? I always presumed a fair analysis meant looking at the whole picture and not merely ignoring stuff you don’t want to know about.

Can you detail what Trump has done to date and explain why those measures are failures? Or do you want to stick with a bald assertion that he has done nothing even if that assertion will not reflect well on you?
Yes I saw that Joe Rohan podcast. Great discussion. I was surprised that people that I disagree with politically are still able to engage in rational discussion. Did you hear Glenn recently resigned from his newspaper because they censored an article that was critical of Biden. Crazy world we live in.
And he has no plan. At all.

If he does, please provide a link to it.

Moreover, a plan is not actually a law. If SCOTUS strikes down ACA, then there are no protections until another law replaces it. Executive orders are not laws and cannot act in place of a law.
Okay would you be a one issue if you were in Nazi Germany? Say they have the same policies of the Democrats but instead of abortion they support jewish genocide?
I’m not sure…

The total usually given for the Nazi death camps is 13 million. Of this 6 million were Jews. Most of the rest were Slavs from Eastern Europe. Most of these would have been Orthodox or Catholic.

So your question demands that I choose between saving the 6 million Jews or the 7 million others… I think a deeper more expansive strategy is necessary.
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Post No. 268. You implied that Rerum Novarum is supportive of the Dem program. That includes killing children.
Nonsense Ridgerunner…

Here is what I said - A Pro-Life Democrat fits very neatly in to the Catholic framework for protection of life and the application of Catholic doctrines on matters of human dignity and common good in society - for example Rerum Novarum, Pacem in Terris, and many others

Like I said…I’m fine having the debate, but it should be honest.

My post was clearly related to the point I made about the Pro-Life Democrats organization - which is against abortion. To imply, that I’m saying that Rerum Novarum says it’s okay to kill babies is either an oversight on your part or maybe purposefully misleading.
The fact that you will not answer this question is telling. God have mercy on your soul.
If you think I’m supposed to take the opinion of an extreme right-wing source like LifeNews as authoritative, you are mistaken.
There is a direct quote from Biden himself saying “I will codify Roe vs.Wade.” You asked for evidence and I gave it to you.
One point for you. (I found the quote elsewhere to confirm, as I still do no take LifeNews at their word.)
So you as a Catholic (I assume your Catholic) don’t want to support a publication that is pro life? I remain amazed!
That may be their cover, but LifeNews is actually an extreme right-wing political organization.

The fact that you will not answer this question is telling. God have mercy on your soul.
So would you choose to save the 6 million Jewish people and let the other 7 million people die? Your question proposes a false choice

Of course I’m 100% against the Jewish Holocaust… and would have fought in war to stop it.

I would have fought just as hard for the remaining 7 million that died in death camps.
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But you aren’t against abortion? Do you not believe unborn children are human beings?
Perhaps that explains why so many Catholics on CAF come out in defence of the Dems and justify abortion using the muted language of social justice, i.e., “across a range of issues.” They aren’t admitting their real position but hiding behind their party affiliation?
To be clear, no one on this thread has said they are in favor of abortion, they haven’t obfuscated either. They, including me, have clearly stated they are pro life. I am NOT in favor of nor do i support abortion.
Here is the problem I am having with “no one on this thread” and apparently expanded to include “no one on CAF” being in favour of abortion:

If 56% of Catholics in the US are in favour of abortion in “all or most cases” why are the majority of Catholic voices overall (56%) not at all represented on CAF when atheists and individuals of all manner of beliefs are?

Why are there no Catholics who support abortion at all represented on CAF when that cohort makes up the majority of Catholics? 🤔

I am beginning to suspect that that cohort is, in fact, represented but not so blatantly in their support. They prefer not to just come out and voice support but prefer to argue using circumlocutions and seamless garment types of warrants for supporting parties that do promote abortion.
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