As a final post on this thread I would like to point out that Aristotle explained and Thomas Aquinas agreed that every physical reality in the universe is derived from an elemental form of matter called Prime Matter but that prime matter does not exist as a separate substance, rather all substances are derived from prime matter in conjunction with a substantial form and that it is through the substantial form that existence comes to each particular substance. The existence of any particular substance unites the substantial form to a particular, suitable derivative of prime matter, a suitible, particular matter. Thus, the substantial form of a horse is united to the matter suitable to a horse, a particular, suitable matter that allows us to identify this entity as this horse. And this particular matter is derived from Prime Matter but is defined and limited by the substantial form of horse.
Now there is no prime matter from which ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ could be formed. And here we must understand that ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ are defined as having no substance, no physical reality whatever. Therefore ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ cannot exist in the universe, because non-being cannot exist. On the other hand there is no physical limit to how subtle matter can be. It is possible, even extremely likely, that there are physical entities, some things whose particular matter is so ethereal, so subtle that they cannot be detected by scientific means. I am thinking here of such things as gravity, strong and weak forces, electromagnetic forces, perhaps even such things as aether, or even more subtle forms of matter we don’t know about, which one may describe as some plasma like substances which are pervasive througout every square centimeter of the universe.
And this philosophical vision of the universe is highly compatible with the idea of God’s creation. God creates things, realities, and in the physical universe this means things or substances composed of matter and form. He does not create ’ nothing ’ because, as Fr. Robert Spitzer says, " …nothing is just nothing…" The only things God created which lacked some form of matter are spirits such as the human soul and angels. And I am sure no one is going to suggest that there are areas of the universe composed of a soul. Such an idea would not be very scientific, nor would it be theologically acceptible, nor would it find any support in Divine Revelation.
Now if one wants to describe those areas of the universe in which only the above named plasmas exist as ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ that is fine, but let that be clearly explained, let it be explained that we are not saying that there is nothing there, that these are areas without substance, that they are areas of non-being.
And as for inserting the idea that " unexcited quantum fields " can be equated to ’ nothing, ’ but that they are the stuff from which matter or " excited quantum fields " are derived, ’ two things must be recognized. First it must be understood that the very concept of " quantum fields " is hotly debated and has no accepted definition and it is hardly agreed what it could possibly mean. plato.stanford.edu/entries/quantum-field-theory/. Secondly, as discussed it applies only to nano-reality but in such a way that there is no agreement what this reality is in relation to the actually exiting physical universe of physical substances. And whatever that is or may be, it no where suggests that there is ’ empty space ’ or ’ voids ’ in the nano-universe. In other words, the idea of uniform plasma like connecting structures is in no way excluded. Indeed there is no reason to suppose that non-being exists even in the nano-universe. After all, God created the nano-universe as well as the macro-universe.
Now there is no prime matter from which ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ could be formed. And here we must understand that ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ are defined as having no substance, no physical reality whatever. Therefore ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ cannot exist in the universe, because non-being cannot exist. On the other hand there is no physical limit to how subtle matter can be. It is possible, even extremely likely, that there are physical entities, some things whose particular matter is so ethereal, so subtle that they cannot be detected by scientific means. I am thinking here of such things as gravity, strong and weak forces, electromagnetic forces, perhaps even such things as aether, or even more subtle forms of matter we don’t know about, which one may describe as some plasma like substances which are pervasive througout every square centimeter of the universe.
And this philosophical vision of the universe is highly compatible with the idea of God’s creation. God creates things, realities, and in the physical universe this means things or substances composed of matter and form. He does not create ’ nothing ’ because, as Fr. Robert Spitzer says, " …nothing is just nothing…" The only things God created which lacked some form of matter are spirits such as the human soul and angels. And I am sure no one is going to suggest that there are areas of the universe composed of a soul. Such an idea would not be very scientific, nor would it be theologically acceptible, nor would it find any support in Divine Revelation.
Now if one wants to describe those areas of the universe in which only the above named plasmas exist as ’ empty space ’ or a ’ void ’ that is fine, but let that be clearly explained, let it be explained that we are not saying that there is nothing there, that these are areas without substance, that they are areas of non-being.
And as for inserting the idea that " unexcited quantum fields " can be equated to ’ nothing, ’ but that they are the stuff from which matter or " excited quantum fields " are derived, ’ two things must be recognized. First it must be understood that the very concept of " quantum fields " is hotly debated and has no accepted definition and it is hardly agreed what it could possibly mean. plato.stanford.edu/entries/quantum-field-theory/. Secondly, as discussed it applies only to nano-reality but in such a way that there is no agreement what this reality is in relation to the actually exiting physical universe of physical substances. And whatever that is or may be, it no where suggests that there is ’ empty space ’ or ’ voids ’ in the nano-universe. In other words, the idea of uniform plasma like connecting structures is in no way excluded. Indeed there is no reason to suppose that non-being exists even in the nano-universe. After all, God created the nano-universe as well as the macro-universe.