That’s false. For example, an empty cup is still a thing even though it is empty
You are saying that the volume bounded by the cup is empty if it does not contain coffee, water, etc. But that is incorrect. There still exists within that boundary the ’ stuff ’ of the universe - gravity, photons, energy, radiation, etc. Some of these things are always there even when the cup is filled with coffee, etc. Perhaps they are all there simultaneously with the coffee, etc…
The same goes for space. Space, itself, is a thing so even when it is empty there is still something there.
As I have just shown, the cup is never ’ empty. ’ It is only because it has been drained of the substances we normally fill a cup with that we call it ’ empty. ’ But that common understanding is prejudiced by our cultural perceptions, which are neither scientifically, nor philosophically, nor theologically accurate.
And you are wrong because you are equating empty space with nothingness. But empty space is not nothingness, it is a quantum field that does not have any excitations… that is still something.
If by ’ quantum field ’ you mean some kind of matter, I would agree that it is something. But then it would not be ’ empty ’ space. And therefore it would not be ’ nothing. ’ Therefore, there is no such thing as ’ empty ’ space, a space without content.
“Empty” is an adjective, it cannot exist without a subject. In this case, the subject is “space” and it can exist in an empty state.
Agreed, it is an adjective and it cannot exist without reference to a subject. But in that case, my contention is that it cannot be described as ’ empty. ’ Its subject is precisely the ’ stuff ’ of the universe as I described above.
No, that is not what scientists mean by empty space.
Empty space is a quantum field without any excitations. That is still a thing in and of itself.
Matter is an excitation of the quantum field. When there are no excitations, you don’t have matter but you still have the field there. That is empty space and it is not nothing.
As I said above, if a ’ quantum ’ field ( excited or not ) is real, then it contains the ’ stuff ’ of which the universe is made, which is always some derivative of matter. That is not ’ empty ’ space for it contains at least whatever a field is. And if a field is ’ something, ’ it is a derivative of matter. Therefore it is not ’ nothing ’ and therefore it is not ’ empty. ’
" Matter is an excitation of the quantum field. When there are no excitations, you don’t have matter but you still have the field there. "
That is a contradiction of terms and arbitrary. Something exists only when some kind of matter exists. Apparently you are attributing existence to an ’ unexcited quantum field. ’ In other words you are attributing reality to part of a mathematical equation. That may make sense mathematically, but it does not exist in the real world. It is not a being, it is not a ’ something.’ And it would seem that your definition of matter here is arbitrary as well.
Think about the space in between atoms. There is no matter there. Yet it still exists.
That is where you are wrong. There may be no ’ matter ’ as you have arbitrarily defined it. But there are still ’ forces ’ present and these are derivatives of matter. Therefore there is matter present and that means there is no ’ empty ’ space present. There may be ’ distances ’ between the atoms, even between the ultimate ’ particles ’ comprising the atoms. But these ’ distances ’ are not ’ empty ’ spaces, they contain numerous ’ forces ’ which are derivatives of matter ( or perhaps we should say that ’ matter ’ is a derivative of these ’ forces. ’ )
Matter is not required for existence.
And that is really the crux of the discussion. And that I heartily disagree with. Nothing exists in the universe that is not matter or a derivative matter. If that is what science is saying or what some scientists are saying, then they are wrong.
God created a material world, he did not create a world composed of mathematics or theories. I think some modern cosmologies have corrupted our thinking, our categories of what is real. The only things God created which are not material are the human soul and Angels and these are spiritual beings ( scholastic philosophers would also consider any living thing as having a soul but its precise nature is debated. )