I have better things to do than to satisfy your curiosity. I’m not trying to win a debate, I’m trying to uphold the truth. I’m not trying to impress anyone with " come backers " and pointed witticisms.Lemaître again “The writers of the Bible were illuminated more or less — some more than others — on the question of salvation. On other questions they were as wise or ignorant as their generation. Hence it is utterly unimportant that errors in historic and scientific fact should be found in the Bible, especially if the errors related to events that were not directly observed by those who wrote about them . . . The idea that because they were right in their doctrine of immortality and salvation they must also be right on all other subjects, is simply the fallacy of people who have an incomplete understanding of why the Bible was given to us at all.”
Here here.
btw Gen 1 is based on Babylonian cosmology, also wrong.
You have a short memory. You said “Assuming that you can find a generally accepted scientific definition of " space”". I did. That’s the accepted definition of space. That’s why it’s in a dictionary.
The thread is not about which bits of science you personally cherry pick.
Please cite where you think “nothing” is misused by “certain modern scientists and cosmologists [stet]” so we can discuss something concrete rather than unsubstantiated accusations.
Conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory.
A philosopher would know that when he makes a claim, it’s his job to substantiate it.
You make accusations all over the place and never once produce any evidence.
Your claim is that Hawking “is simply reaching for a way to replace the term " nothing, " so he can say that the universe always existed” (post #130). I found evidence for the exact opposite. In this transcript of a Hawking lecture online, he concludes “that the universe has not existed forever”.
An uncharitable person might think you’re wasting everyone’s time with spurious nonsense. Unless you can produce evidence of course.
The concept of fairies at the bottom of the garden was also dropped “only because no one could ever detect” them.
Has your theory that snide insults win debates ever worked for you?
I did ask you what you thought your Bible taught you about the beginning of the universe. Does it tell you that the universe always existed or does it tell you that the universe was created in time out of nothing ( nothing being defined as non-being )? And you have not answered. So we are even.
