I don’t think its been disproved.Although the originator of the theory held that there could be time before the big bang, but all evidence of it was wiped out by the singularity:
“We may speak of this event as of a beginning. I do not say a creation. Physically it is a beginning in the sense that if something happened before, it has no observable influence on the behavior of our universe, as any feature of matter before this beginning has been completely lost by the extreme contraction at the theoretical zero. Any preexistence of the universe has a metaphysical character. Physically, everything happens as if the theoretical zero was really a beginning. The question if it was really a beginning or rather a creation, something started from nothing, is a philosophical question which cannot be settled by physical or astronomical considerations.” - Msgr. Lemaître, catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=8847
Is that still true, or has a possible preexistence of the universe now been disproved?
What has happened is that the theory has become sufficient to explain our observations. Without a reason to consider that possible preexistence, it gets left unaddressed.
That is, what facts do we have that are unexplained by the current theory? Why do we even need to propose a possible preexistence of the universe? What observations are causing us to consider it?
One alternate possibility that I’ve seen is, well let me continue the analogy:
If you had another whole Earth, sitting on top of our Earth, where the other Earth’s southpole tangentially met the north pole of our Earth, then at the Big Bang we would be seeing the Big Crunch of the previous universe. That is, while you were standing at the North Pole of our Earth, you would simultaneously be standing at the South Pole of another Earth.
That’s the Big Crunch and that is a different theory than the Big Bang Theory.
Or, another possibility is that there actually is an “Up” direction at the north pole. That would require additional spatial dimension in our Universe that we are unaware of. And again, that’s not the Big Bang theory either.
I don’t have a problem deviating from the Big Band theory, if that’s what we want to do. That just isn’t what we’ve done yet.