But material gets inside and outside us as we live. Soul cannot be related to something which comes and goes. Now, I am drinking tea. Does the tea become united with my soul?Left to itself, and without the body, yes. But not when it is united to something material, like a body. Because, when united to the body, then it accidentally acquires features coming from the body, such as the body’s extension in space, its shape, etc. Perhaps an analogy will help you understand this. Consider a circle. Considered in itself, as a mathematical figure in our mind, a circle has no color at all. Color is not part of its definition. But in the real world a circle does not exist except in some material thing that is circular, such as in a black wheel, a yellow cake, or a red circle drawn on the blackboard. So, although a circle essentially has no color, it accidentally acquires the color of the material object in which it exists. Thus, we see a black circle in a black wheel, a yellow circle in a yellow cake, and a red circle in the figure that is drawn on the blackboard. These different colors are accidental to the circle as such. Essentially and left to itself, a circle has no color. The same is true of the soul. Being immaterial, the soul essentially has no location. But when it is united to a body, it accidentally acquires the location of the body to which it is united.
So the soul is rational but it cannot express his rationality when it is separated from body? Like a person in a prison.You need to distinguish between the possession of reason and the exercise of that reason. Because of sickness or brain damage a person may not be able to exercise his natural ability to think properly, but this does not mean that this person already lacks that natural ability to think. This is similar to the difference between the possession of a right and the exercise of that right. I may have the right to vote, but if I am sick, I may not be able to exercise my right to vote. That does not mean that I have no more right to vote when I am sick. I still do. It is just that, because of my sickness, I can’t go to the polls and vote. Rationality and being able to exercise rationality are the same thing. A sickness or brain damage may not allow me to exercise rational functions. It does not mean that I am no longer a rational being when I have brain damage. This is because being rational is not an accidental, but an essential feature of my nature.
A human soul is the substantial form of a human body. It is not an accidental form that may be present or absent without changing the nature of the human person. Rationality is not accidental to human nature. But actually acting rationally, or the actual exercise of rationality, is accidental, because it can be impeded by accident, sickness, or even by a bad will. Thus, a wicked person can act irrationally by refusing to exercise acts in conformity with reason.