When part of your brain is damaged, you still have the potential for rationality. Since the potential for rationality exists, rationality still exists.You lose your rationality when a part of your brain is damaged. Your soul is intact.
Look up the “Tree of Porphyry.” There are different levels of being. For example, a living body has a higher sense of being than a non-living body. Likewise, a rational animal has a higher sense of being than a non-rational animal. We are different than beasts. We possess reason. As such, the principle that animates us (our soul) is different. Our soul allows up to possess certain capabilities that other animals do not possess. This is reason. Since our capabilities come from our soul and humans uniquely possess reason in comparison to other animals, we see that our soul provides rationality. We need a brain to allow us to act on our rationality, but that doesn’t mean rationality comes solely from the brain. After all, I could die today yet my corpse would have no reason even if my brain has the correct configuration.How you can possibly prove that soul is required for intellect when all biological indications point to the brain as a source of rationality.