. . . The only people who want to bring it up want to discredit it and they know so little about it (otherwise they would realise they would be wasting their time) that it becomes embarrassing.
So let’s talk about creation.
The basic template is Genesis, which describes everything starting with light and progressing in step-wise fashion as what had been created, is used as the substrate of the new.
At the foundations of the universe, temporally and structurally, we find electromagnetic radiation. As far as we go, it is in the form of a wavicle, having properties of both a particle and a wave.
One view would have it that all 25 elementary particles and their capacity to form composite partilces, atoms, molecules as complex in its structure and functioning as DNA, plants, animals and human beings with our ability to understand these words and the reality they refer to, that all this in addition to the fundamental forces, the constants and other forms of relationship found in matter, all of it was present within the cosmic seed of the singularity from which our universe arose.
This universe as it now is, was either present as the potential that would play itself out, or present as a final cause involving an evolutionary process in which new creation was added to, utilizing the old. The former would seem to require an initial cause, the latter, ongoing involvement in the process.
It could be that the cooling down that happened about a half a million years after the big bang, had been “preprogrammed” within the structure of the universe at the beginning. The cooling resulted in the slowing of the subatomic particles that constituted the early universe, which then led to the formation of protons, neutrons and electrons that went on to create atoms.
Another way to understand it is that the formation of atoms involved the bringing into being of their constituent parts, and slowing them down. The effect was a change in the light from which matter was and is brought into being.
If we look at things from the latter perspective, we see an involved God bringing all this into existence. The basic structure of the universe comes into being, “day” after “day”.
With respect to cosmic creation, He now rests; energy and matter are no longer created. He remains involved as Father to all, but what He set in place in time, exists as such.
Something like that.
There’s a whole lot in scripture that tells of what happened subsequently.