Heaven has a specific meaning. I thought you might consider, posting on a Catholic site, what others would understand by the word. You may not be doing it purposefully, but your usage of the word in that manner, drains it of the power it derives through its pointing to our eternal home with God. I get it that it has no such meaning for you. The way the word “heaven” is used in your original posts suggests it refers to some illusory unending state of self-gratification. It comes across as sacrilegious and you will not be taken seriously.Aren’t you familiar with the colloquial usage of the phrase “to be in high heaven”?
What is being spoken about here is reality, not some fanciful musings about what could be. This is life, filled with joy and suffering, courage and cowardice, love and indifference, truth and illusion, beauty and evil. Free will is about our capacity to choose a side, to overcome, to seek the true beauty behind the apparent flaw. When my belly is full, that is not when I yearn for transcendenceWhy don’t you present arguments for this? I would really like that kind of world. And only masochists would prefer pain and suffering in the name of “free will”… fortunately there are NO such masochists.
It is one’s obligation to discipline oneself, to limit one’s will to doing the will of God.Really… is it “evil” to protect people by eliminating the freedom of the criminals by placing them in jail?
There are only two real choices in any situation. We are to give or not give of ourselves. It seems inevitable, that in the not giving, there will ensue suffering for the other. In not returning to God what is His, it is we ourselves who suffer. In that giving we unite with the Giving that brings all creation, all times and places, every moment into existence. In that communion we share in His eternal life and glory. This is about more than you conceive.I guess I am just wasting my time. You don’t realize that in the world I described there are zillions of choices, even choice between the “good and evil”…