I am still baffled by your insistence that only theist “design fans” would be plagued by this problem when scientific-minded design fans whose pet theories concerning the nature or intelligibility of the design (as explained by some theory or other) would equally have been “disproved and replaced by other ‘tested’ explanations.”
Newton’s explanations regarding his view of the “design” of things was tested in his day and subsequently found wanting and supplanted by newer explanations which passed more stringent design tests.
The “gaps” are still there waiting to be filled by better explanations which will explain the design more completely and adequately.
Except I didn’t limit it only to theist design fans, I said and meant all design fans. The difference comes only after inventing design theories, when deist design fans don’t need to make their designer interfere periodically to demonstrate continued existence.
Newton wouldn’t agree with you. Descartes wanted science to be about deduction from
a priori axioms, so that everything could be explained. Newton very much opposed this, and for instance says “I have not as yet been able to discover the reason for these properties of gravity from phenomena, and I do not contrive hypotheses”. Science should be about first collecting evidence and then using inductive reasoning to draw conclusions from the data. Where there is not yet enough data to do so then no conclusion should be drawn. This of course is basically the modern scientific method.
Where Newton couldn’t make an inductive explanation he uses his faith that all things come from God, but I know of no case where he tries to use God as an alternative to induction (in the article someone posted a few days back, I think Tyson misrepresents Newton, although he did have mystic and at times plain weird religious views).
*If you want to attack straw men “design fans” who seek to claim design exists in nature without taking on the burden of attempting to explain anything at all about the nature of the design, then go ahead.
I would submit that those who do propose intelligent design seriously view that proposal as implying that the inherent design is, therefore, necessarily intelligible to some intelligence or other, including our own – I.e., the design can be understood precisely because intelligence underwrites it.*
If you can open a science textbook and see design in
every theory on every page then fine with me. Or if an atheist can open a science textbook and not see design in
any theory then at least that’s also consistent. What I object to is the inconsistency of only seeing God in some but not other, or only in what is not known and not in what is known.
*I think you are confusing “design fans” with brute factists who will, at some point, sooner rather than later, propose that there is no design and no ultimate explanation precisely because everything at ground just simply is and is without rhyme nor reason.
In other words, for them, God is nowhere precisely because the explanatory gap is all-encompassing – there exists no ultimate explanation precisely because there is no intelligent being underwriting “all of nature.” NO complete explanation, as far as they are concerned, is there to be had and we are just fooling ourselves by wrongly superimposing a parochial, misconstrued and limited appearance of design on what, at ground and in the final analysis, has none.*
No, as above, it’s the inconsistency I object to, such as linking to unconfirmed papers which appear to show evidence of design while ignoring all well-confirmed science in textbooks as if it doesn’t. Or fixing on physical constants as if they are inexplicably fine-tuned without realizing that it’s physicists who fine-tuned them, because it’s physicists who invented them to make the answers come out right until they’ve filled-in the gaps in their knowledge.
*This is the real dichotomy behind the issue. Either the universe is, indeed, designed and intelligible or it is not.
If it is, science and religion both have a role to play in deciphering the meaning implicit in it.
If not, then both will be shown to be nothing more than distractions from realizing the truth of things. The question will simply be a matter of how long will the illusion (or delusion) be sustained by one, the other or both.*
I think that’s a false dichotomy. For starters, we know that there are many things which appeared to be designed but are not. Surely a fine sunset is so beautiful it must be designed, but no, it isn’t. There are many examples where the appearance of design is just an illusion.
And also. If a fox finds the universe sufficiently intelligible to stalk rabbits, does that mean the universe must be intelligently designed? Newton point was that just because we’re baffled doesn’t make it right to contrive an hypothesis. Isaiah 55 says don’t try to limit God to human capabilities:
*“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”*