Actually, God – the actual Final Good – is positively required for “this balancing act.” Otherwise, what you have is, indeed, “bull-headed competition,” since the goods as defined by society towards which “socially positive behaviours” are aimed cannot assure that those alleged behaviours are actually, in the end, “socially positive.” It all becomes a shot in the dark actually because the purported “cooperation” is simply that between dominant social groups competing against one another for perceived temporal and contingent “ends.”Well, I think that there are other, highly significant parts of my post (otherwise I would not have made them), but your remark is worthy of an answer.
Your error is that you disregard that humans are social animals, so our behavior is not solely contingent upon our individual desires, but also on the community we live it. There are no categorical imperatives, criminals are entitled to their VIEWS, but NOT to act on those views. Morality is a CONVENIENT convention, and smart people balance their personal ambitions with the needs of others. (No one is an island.)
However, no God is needed for this balancing act. Most people understand that cooperation is more efficient than bull-headed competition, that it is better to give-and-take rather than selfishly grabbing whatever they can. And if you wish to set up a correlation matrix between the socially positive behavior and the religious affiliation of people, the NOT surprising result will be that there is no correlation.
This remark was likely disregarded because there isn’t much to answer.Strange, that you disregard my remark that freedom of the good people cannot be logically contingent upon the actions of criminals (sociopaths and psychopath among them) because “contingent freedom” is an oxymoron. Oh, well…
Freedom, by itself, is a meaningless idea. Freedom from what to do what? In that sense, freedom is contingent upon the definable ends towards which freedom is aimed or freed from the constraints which prevent those ends from being achieved.
Pure freedom to do whatever one wishes for no reason besides purely that one wishes to do what one intends is a nonsensical notion. Why would anyone want that kind of freedom to begin with?