You have not included random phenomena. In a certain process, randomness cannot result in only one outcome. Water swirling in a toilet bowl exhibits varying patterns with each flush even though the same flush is occurring repeatedly.Repeat the same conditions EXACTLY and the result will always be the same. That is to say, the conditions at any one time only have ONE possible outcome.
“Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events. A random sequence of events, symbols or steps has no order and does not follow an intelligible pattern or combination. Individual random events are by definition unpredictable, but in many cases the frequency of different outcomes over a large number of events (or “trials”) is predictable. For example, when throwing two dice, the outcome of any particular roll is unpredictable, but a sum of 7 will occur twice as often as 4. In this view, randomness is a measure of uncertainty of an outcome, rather than haphazardness, and applies to concepts of chance, probability, and information entropy.”